Chapter 18: Scars

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Pictures are of the incredibly talented StrawberryBoi 's Fanart for this story! 😍 they are absolutely amazing and just how I imagined the characters ❤️

Pictures are of the incredibly talented StrawberryBoi 's Fanart for this story! 😍 they are absolutely amazing and just how I imagined the characters ❤️

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"Did you see that guy's face?" Ant laughed as he doubled over, trying to breathe between gasps for air

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"Did you see that guy's face?" Ant laughed as he doubled over, trying to breathe between gasps for air. Dec was in no better condition next to him, both of them winded from the run they had just taken.

"I did! I can't believe he actually thought you were a hooker!" Dec gasped out before falling back into peals of laughter.

"I can't believe I convinced him I was!" Ant responded, cracking up again.

"Seriously, though," Dec took a deep breath to rein in the giggles he was feeling building up, "how could he believe that crap? I mean, you're dressed in a tux for crying out loud!"

"I was," Ant corrected. He had shucked the jacket a long time ago along with Dec and had both rolled up his sleeves and undone the tie in the exact same moment. Dec had followed suit soon after and considering they had spent the last hour or two running from one end of town to the other, their once white shirts were now grimy and sweaty, but it didn't bother them in the least.

"Still, how did he come to the conclusion that a hundred quid was enough?" Dec grinned, "I mean, I would think he'd offer at least five hundred."

"Five hundred? I don't know what my pimp's been telling you, but it's an even thousand if you want me for a whole night," Ant sniffed, looking down at Dec with a snooty air, causing Dec to burst out in a fit of laugher again.

"Hey, check out where we are," Ant looked around, recognizing the familiar surroundings. Dec did the same and couldn't help but smile. They had, unwittingly, run to the same park they had frequented years ago for walks and just to escape from the world for a moment. This particular part of the park was a little away from the road and entrance so most people didn't venture in, which made it perfect for them to sneak kisses and touches without worrying about being recognized or frowned upon.

"What are the chances that out of all the places to run to aimlessly, this is the one we end up in," Dec said with a smile, happy to be back with Ant at his side.

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