Chapter 17: Black Tie

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Okay I should probably start revising right about now 🤫😂

"Stop moving!"

"It's too tight!"

"You're such a drama queen Declan, get over it!"

Dec fidgeted as Cat finally managed to get his bowtie straight and, due to Dec's complaints, loosened it enough to allow him to breathe without feeling the uncomfortable sensation of having something against his throat. One thing he hated about being invited to company parties was the fact that he had to be immaculately dressed, something which he hated doing outside of work. However, when he was at work, he could at least take off his jacket or roll up his sleeves, but he had a feeling that if he tried that, Chase would throw him out faster than Superman chasing a train.

"I don't see why I have to go for this stupid thing," Dec grumbled, checking his tux for any loose threads or creases.

"You have to because you're successful and Chase is expecting you," Cat answered automatically, "It's just a small party. Stick around for a couple hours then head over to my club and we'll party the way God intended."

"I want vodka."


"And tequila."

"Also done."

"And gin."

"You want to get alcohol poisoning after suffering?"

"Can I get that before?"


"Damn it."

"Seriously, Declan, you've gone through these parties several times over the past years without a hitch. Why are you being so difficult now?" Cat sighed.

"I dunno," Dec mumbled. Cat however knew him a bit too well to fall for the act and smiled softly.

"You miss him, don't you?" She asked with a chuckle.

"Huh?" Dec answered eloquently and then looked away, "No idea who you're talking about."

"Come on, doo little, you've seen him after a pretty long hiatus, it's understandable that you want to spend more time with him," Cat said sympathetically, "We're going to see him in a couple of days, so just hold on till then."

"It's not that," Dec sighed, "It's just....I don't like the idea that we've left him there despite knowing what's happening."

"You heard Philip," Cat responded, but Dec could see that she wasn't very happy with the situation herself. Whenever Cat pursed her lips like that, that either meant that she was unhappy or about to unleash the wrath of a thousand suns upon you. Since Dec couldn't remember pissing her off in the last week, he had to assume the former, "Ant's situation is....delicate at the least. If we don't handle this carefully and calmly, it could result in problems for all of us, but especially him.

"Philip's one of the biggest problems," Dec rubbed his eyes with his fingers, "he's just so.....suspicious."

"Meaning? I talked to him while you and Ant were....doing whatever you were doing. He seems like a pretty nice guy. I mean," Cat quickly amended, "as nice as a bodyguard can be."

"Hitman," Dec corrected automatically, "He claims to want to help us, but why? Why would he risk his life and job for someone unless that person meant something to him? And yet he hasn't tried to stop Jared from....hurting Ant."

"I don't quite follow you," Cat answered in a puzzled voice.

"Think of it like this. Philip has already said that he could get fired or killed for this, yet he's trying his hardest to get Ant out of there. Why would he do that when he's claimed it's none of his business?" Dec frowned and began pacing about, biting at his thumbnail, "Also, I'd bet my entire estate that Philip is lying about knowing Ant for only two years. I mean, I know that Ant has a tendency to attract people to him, but not to such a degree. Philip's hiding something incredibly vital."

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