- 8 - Work

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The weekend slithers bye quicker than you would like, with Monday seemingly coming out of nowhere. You get the kids up, ready, and fed. Out the door you guys go. At work you set the kids up with little errands to run then get comfy at your desk and begin your work. Not to long into it and you get a call from Kasey.

"Hey Hun." Her voice says through the phone.

"Sup Kase? You sound kinda bummed, what's up?"

"Uh, John got called back into work, so I'm home alone for a few days."

"What! I thought he got the day off payed?!"

"Oh he did, but he is such an important part of his work, that place doesn't know how to function without him."

"Laaamee! Do you want me to bring the kids back after work?"

"No, they were excited, I don't want to ruin the fun, and I already called my sister to come stay the night, after that one more day to do whatever the hell I want, then John should be back and we will finish the week off together." Her smile shone through the phone so you knew she would be fine. She hardly got any time to herself anyway so this could be good.

"Alright well let me know if you need anything, alright?"

"Always! Guess I should let you get back to work. I just wanted to call and tell ya the update."

"Well I can talk a little longer if you want, or you can say hi to your kids. Who by the way have been working so hard that I don't know how to reword them."

"Yeah that sounds like them. Alisa likes to help in any way possible and Alex just kinda goes along with it. For a reward though, try root beer floats in the living room. They will go nuts."

"Haha Alright I can do that, maybe through some candy corn on it if I can find any at this time of year."

"yeah that's a long shot, good luck! Oh my sister is here, time for the fun to begin!"

"Tell her I miss her!"

"Will do! Talk latter."

"Talk latter." With that you hang up the phone and resume your work for the day.

Lunch happens and time ticks on till the time to clock out arrives.

"Alright kiddos, want to go to the store and gather your reward for a day's hard work?" You ask as the three of you walk out to your car. As expected, the kids vomit excitement with the thoughts of a reward and eagerly pull you to the car urging you to unlock it.

"Wow, a full day of work and you guys still have energy coming out your ears, oh to be a kid again." You say remembering your days of insanity. You get everyone in the car and proceed to make it to the grocery store near your house. Quickly everything required presents itself to you, you even find something for dinner but the candy corn that turns out to be something you have to go without. You let the kids pick out something they want and another thing for lunch tomorrow. After checking out and getting back home the kids immediately begin running around the house and getting intertwined in their imagination.

"So." You loudly say grasping both children's attention. "Floats before or after dinner?" You finish.

"You for!" Alex shouts from behind the couch.

"Both!" Alisa yells from the hallway.

"Yes, yes!" Alex quickly changes his previous decision to agree with his sister.

"Alright then, both it is! You guys work amazingly today, and you deserve a sweet reward!" You applaud then disappear into the kitchen.

"Can I help?!" Alisa eagly asks.

"You trying to get a little something, something more special." You interrogate with a smirk clasped tightly to your lips. A wide grin that consumes her face tells you that, that is exactly what she wants despite her obviously fake "no" That slips through her lips.

"Haha, you have enough sweets lined up for today now go play with your brother." You say gently pushing her back toward the living room where her sibling still sits behind the couch. Happily, she scampers off to join him.

Time passes and eventually the kids are passed out in your bed. Still not quite sure how they ended up sleeping there you just shrug your shoulders and head off to the living room for some sweet phone times, games, social media, anything you want at your fingertips. An hour or so passes when your phone decides its dying.

"What can you expect everything wants to sleep at some point." You say to yourself then plug it in and find your seat back on the couch.

"Not tired?" A male voice asks from behind you. You know this voice, this voice won't leave you alone.

"You're just my imagination, go away." You respond, not turning around.

"How rude! I am my own being I exist by reasons you could not fathom." He says walking into your sight. His familiar stature refreshing his image in your mind

"Yeah well whatever you say, holding a conversation with myself this long means I'm crazy."

"Oh yes, just as crazy as those kiddos sleeping in the other room. The girl would make a lovely step stool, wouldn't you say?" He asks sitting down next to you.

"You sit?" You ask kind of shocked. "I thought you would only loom spookily in halls and open spaces. Good to know my brain can make things sit. I feel talented!" You finish half sarcastically.

"You know Cookie, I'm getting rather tired of you calling me part of your brain, I am so much more than that."

"Yeah well, what was it? Laughing, Joe? Uh Jack? Yeah Jack. Laughing Jack," You say turning your head slightly to make eye contact, and see his offended face staring at you, must not have liked being called 'Laughing Joe'. "If you are not just my imagination then prove it because I'm having a rather hard time seeing it any other way."

"Oh my sweet Cookie. Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. And for a mental note, Its Laughing Jack in a box, don't forget it, it could save you from being my next chair, or perhaps something more fun, like a headboard, your skull would be a great eye catcher!"

"That's a long name. "

"Well that's why it's just Laughing Jack, or better yet Just call me Jack." he says with a smile then pats your head kind oh fluffing your hair in the process. Before you could swat has hand away and yell at your imagination for seeming so real, he's gone in a puff of black smoke.

After that you decide it best to just pass out on the couch rather then stay up any longer, maybe your imagination created such an event as a way to say 'Dude! You need to sleep now!' 

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