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~Ginger, Memeboi, and Cat_Mom~

Ginger: Hey do you two want to hang out after school today?

Cat_Mom: Yeah, sounds fun

Memeboi: Sure why not

Ginger: We can walk to the convince store from school

Cat_Mom: Ok, see you then!

Memeboi: Yeah, see you


Serena calmly walked out of the school, heading over to where Sean was already standing. She was almost there when Lily ran up to her.

"Hey Serena, what did Sean want to talk to you about yesterday?" Lily asked.

"Oh, nothing," Serena mentally facepalmed. She had forgotten that she had mentioned it to Lily. "He just wanted to ask if I was planning anything for Chloe's birthday but he knows that Chloe sometimes takes my phone and goes through some of my texts and he didn't want her to see it."

"Oh ok. Well, I got to go, see you Monday!" Lily said before walking away.

Serena sighed. It was a good thing she was good at coming up with lies on the spot.

"What was that about?" Sean asked when Serena finally reached him.

"Oh nothing, Lily was just asking me about the math homework."

After a minute or two Orlando joined them and they started walking. They were walking near the woods when Sean said, "Hey, let's take a short cut through the woods."

Orlando hesitated, "Are you sure there's a short cut?"

Serena smiled and reasoned, "Yeah, I take the short cut all the time. After all, I live right next to the convince store.

Orlando sighed, "Ok if you say so."

The three walked in silence through the woods for a few minutes before Orlando started to get nervous.

"Hey guys, do you feel like-" 


Orlando was out cold on the ground with a bleeding head wound. Nicole stood over him with a shovel in hand.

Sean smiled, "Nice work."

I'm having too much fun writing this XD

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