What's Done is Done

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"Nice work."

"Don't thank me yet, he's still alive," Nicole huffed, lifting up the shovel once again.

"I'll do it," Sean said, taking the shovel.

Serena couldn't help but flinch as he dealt the final blow. Part of her felt bad for what they had done. All of them felt at least a little bit of remorse but what's done is done and there was no going back.

There was a moment of silence before Sean broke it, "Well, let's bury him," he turned to Nicole, "You already dug the hole, right?"

Nicole nodded and pointed to a spot about a yard or two away. The three of them picked up the body and carefully placed it into the makeshift grave. They each gave Orlando one last look before they finished the job and buried him.

There was a heaving silence that hung in the air before Serena spoke up, "So we still going to 7-11 or what?"

Sean smiled, "Sure, why not."

After a few more minutes of walking, they made their way to the 7-11. They each got a popsicle. Serena was at the cashier when the cashier spoke to her, "Hey Serena."

She looked up to see none other than Ad who apparently worked at 7-11, "Oh hey Ad! I didn't know you work here."

"I don't. That will be 9.97," they said, giving her the change.

"Wait then how...? Serena gave them a confused look.

"Serena, we're leaving!" Nicole called.

"Coming!" Serena said before turning back to Ad but they were already gone.

She shrugged before following the others outside. 

As they walked back to Sean's house, Sean held up his popsicle like he was giving a toast and said, "To murder."

Nicole and Serena looked at each other before raising up their own popsicles and saying, "To murder!"

(the end)

Yay, it's done! I might write a sequel called Orlando and the Rake, we'll see. Anyway, thanks for reading this trash!

Sean and the Shovelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن