Intro and preface

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Time for a history lesson!

Anyone know where the word sandwich came from? I mean, when the word sandwich is deconstructed, it's just Sand Witch, which doesn't sound appealing.

Well, let's first dive into English. Specifically, what Sandwich actually is. It stands for Sand wic, what you'd call an extremely Sandy area, since Wic is a Latin word. Sandwich was, at the time, the name of a town in South/west England, named for that exact reason. It was sandy.

Sometime between 1718-1792, the 4th Earl of Sandwich ordered his valet to get him "Sliced meat tucked between two pieces of bread.".

My ancestors were one of the first to start calling the product a "Sandwich", and it stuck on easily.

It was the same Earl that sponsored a voyage to the new world later on, which in turn caused the explorer to name the Sandwich Islands in his honor. Some of my ancestors were part of his crew, and stayed behind. Though, the name has changed now.

It's now the Hawaiian Islands.

Somehow, my ancestors lead their way up inland, and eventually I found myself here, in Sandwich, Massachusetts, where I was born and raised.

And guess what my parents had the guts to name me. Go on. Guess.

I'm Sandwich McLovens, tomorrow I finally turn 18 and I can leave this fucking shithole. I've been studying magic since I was twelve, made a deal here and there, might have a few demons fighting over rights to my soul, and sadly enough the only thing I can control properly right now, without going out of control, is sand. That's right. I'm a walking pun and I have to live with it.

Of course, no one but the wench I have to call mother calls me by my birth name. I go by many names: Sam, Sammy, Sans, Sandy, and I think I was called Sauna once for some reason.

But there's one name I answer to above all.

"Bitch! Tomorrow's the big day!" My best friend, Elsie, nudges my shoulder. She's a year older than me exactly, but she's about two feet shorter. This weirdo midget has been my friend for years.

She grinned at me over my shoulder, and I roll my eyes. "I know, I know... You're still coming with me, right?" I ask, and she nods. "Of course! It's not just you, my boyfriend is down there in Florida!" She responds. I furrow my brow. Of course, this boyfriend of hers is just some idiot she met on Tinder... But, who am I to say she shouldn't date him?

"Nice!" I grin, patting her back. "Anyways, thanks for agreeing to convince mother to let me stay at your place."

She nodded, smirking a little. "Gotta admit, I've always had a way to charm Ms.McLoven." Elsie giggled and I rolled my eyes despite the fact that it was true.

I lay my head back on the couch, groaning softly. "I am tired though..." I groan, and she nods in agreement.

In the end, we ended up curled up on either side of the couch.

Tomorrow I can blow this popsicle stand.


I Googled the history of the word Sandwich and so... Yeh. This kind of happened.

Anyways. This is just meant to be a trash heap of weird things like you'd find on Adult Swim. But I can guarantee that I won't be updating past this part for a long time.

So yeh.

Thanks for reading.

Sandwich; the Sand Witch from Sandwich ("Season" 1)Where stories live. Discover now