Part Three

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It just happens. Visiting the kids on Tuesdays becomes visiting the kids and Jisoo on Tuesdays. Something about pissing off the authoritative figures around here had bonded the two to become friends.

A knock on the door reverberates throughout Jisoo's room as Jennie enters, black paper crane in hand. Jisoo is sitting in her bed upright with a blue notebook and pen in hand. The cap of the pen hangs from her mouth as she chews on it gently. She doesn't seem to notice Jennie until the girl sits next to her bedside.

"What are you doing?"

The raven's brows are furrowed in deep concentration.

"Writing my hit list."

Jennie peeks over, noting that none of the words look like names.

"Liar." Setting the paper crane onto her table side, she asks, "Can I read it?"

"I'll read it to you," Jisoo speaks slowly, pen cap still in between her lips. "Roses are red, violets are blue, people are dead, and soon you will be too."

"That is so not what it says."

Jisoo smiles cheekily, "Wasn't that a great poem for my hit list? It'll be a nice warning to them."

Jennie just scoffs and snatches the notebook from Jisoo's hands.

Here I am again, writing about you,
trying to set you free with my words
but the reality is that
I'm just building you a bigger home in my heart.

Jennie is taken back as she stares back and forth between the poetic words and Jisoo.

"You did not write this."

"First you steal my notebook, then you accuse me of plagiarism. How dare you?"

"Jisoo. This is good. I didn't know you wrote poetry."

Jisoo just plasters on that same cheeky grin she usually has.

"I'm the queen of bullshitting."

"Singing sad love songs, writing poetry... I'm starting to get the impression that you're quite the closet romanticist."

Jisoo just grins, a certain twinkle in her eyes as she holds out her hand.

"Notebook, please." The blue notebook passes between their hands. "So what's the visit for?"

Nudging her head towards the crane, Jennie takes out more paper from her bag.

"Kyungsan wanted me to deliver it to you. He said that 'Sleepy Ahjumma's hair is this color.'"

Jisoo snorts at the comment, picking up the crane from the bed side to inspect it.

"Are they getting bored of folding cranes yet?"

"Almost. They enjoy your company, too, by the way."

"As they should. I do bring the party with me wherever I go."

It's moments like these that Jennie wants to strangle her.

"Oh shut up."

Jisoo just grins.


Jennie sits by her bedside as they fold paper cranes together. She holds her laughter in as she steals glances at Jisoo's unshapely attempts scattered on top of the bed sheets.

"Origami is the devil." Jisoo mutters as she almost rips one of the wings off.

"Quit blaming your lack of talents in folding paper on some entity."

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