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as soon as taylor called out his name, camerons head snapped into our direction. making eye contact with me instantly. he started coming over to where taylor and i both stood.

"taylor, man. i've missed you" taylor shook his head and said nothing in return, he just embraced cameron in a comforting hug. the two of them looked like they were going to cry.

"hey.." he scratched the back of his neck looking up at me.

"hi.." i awkwardky smiled. his toned arms wrapped around my waist tightly and his hard chest was slammed against my stomach. "i have to go find matthew.. but it was great seeing you again" i frowned, unwrapping myself in his tight grasp.


it had been two hours since he had left me. by now i was fed up, and thirsty, and hungry. i was expecting matt to bring me a drink but apparently thats too much to ask for. therefore i decided to go get some food myself.

entering the crowded kitchen full of unknown drunk people, i pushed my way to the fridge, grabbing eclaires, crisps, and lemonade. i dont want to drink okay, plus i like my food.

avoiding all of these strangers i made my way upstairs to one of the free bedrooms. walking inside i plonked down on the king sized bed, spreading all the food around me and switching on the tv. i'm sure taylor wouldn't mind anyway.


it was already two am, the party was still busy. no one left. i'm guessing everyone was staying the night.

i was half way through watching white chicks when someone had walked in the room and lay down next to me, as if i was invisible.

"excuse me?" i asked, not im a rude tone, more of a confused tone. the tall figure looked up at me, finally realizing i was here. "are you drunk? and who are you?"

"nope, thats why im here. i dont do parties, its me.. cameron?" he replied as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"you know there are other beds and rooms you can stay in.. you dont have to share with me" i confessed.

"i dont want to leave, i love this movie" he admitted trying to steal some of my crisps. i swatted his hand away, glaring at him.

"no one touches my food," i jokingly warned him, pointing a finger. "when the movie finishes, you're out" gesturing towards the door.

he shook his head and let out a chuckle, "can i get in bed with you?" he slurred.

little did he know how odd he sounded, im guessing it came out wrong.

"yeah, but no touching, no cuddling, no sexual touching basically. just friends watching a movie together in the same bed, no big deal okay?" i reminded him, i wasn't letting a stupid incident ruin matt and i's relationship.

"ouch," he held his chest, "i just got friendzoned, anyway it's not the first time" he winked causing me to burst out laughing. i could tell he was drunk so the least i could to is take care of him, but not lead him on.

besides he probably won't remember this tomorrow.

"just watch the film, cam" i huffed.

"cam?" he asked.

"cam" i repeated.

"maybe cam can be our always"

"maybe you can shut the fuck up" i replied, he frowned, "i was joking cam, am sarry" he held out his arms, asking for a hug. a hug wasn't much. it didn't really mean anything anyway, just friends, i thought.

But were we?

it felt so right, but jt was so wrong -this is cliche as fuck but its true.

all of the memories of us together had flooded back. a warm feeling errupted in the pit of my stomach. i tried ignoring it, but it wouldn't leave. remembering us together made me upset, because he was the best thing that had ever happened to me. unluckily things got complicated, and later on we had to move on.

Camerons POV

we layed there peacfully watching the movie. well she was, but instead i was watching her.

Your POV

by now i was cranky, tired, and miserable.

the film had finally finished and there was still no sign of matthew. i decided it was time to get up and start searching for him trying to forget about the past and focus on the future.


i bumped into a few familiar faces, asking if they had seen matt, but still remained no sign of him.

a candian accent started calling my name out of no where.

"hey, you're matts girlfriend. right?" he asked me.

"i am indeed, you're shawn mendes?" i asked again.

"yeah, follow me.. i need to talk to you" he tugged my arm,so i followed him out the party into the garden.

the party was still busy outside, but not as wild as it was inside.

"what did you need to talk about?" i wondered, i had no idea why he had dragged me out.

"er, matthew.." he scratched the back of his neck, not knowing how or where to start, "he's with another girl, acacia.. they're both having sex"

just saying im making this all up as i go
thats why my updates take forever and im really sorry
im going to try writing loads more so i can upload them more often
♡stay tuned beauts ilyl& pls vote♡

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