Prologue★00: The Shield's Final Chapter

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*Flashback: 04/21/2019*


I was in the ring with my best friend's baby sister Mercedes, her husband Fergal, my brother Colby, his wife Rebecca (We made them get married and have their daughter in this book), our best friend Ashley, my lovely husband Mox, and our ride or die buddy Joe (Leati's Nickname) while our last chapter as a pack begun to disband in half...from the number eight to the number four. I was crying tears of sadness as I hugged my close friends and family tight while sobbing quietly. Fans were mixed with emotions of sadness, despair, devastation, depression, loss, fear, heartbreak, etc.

They were chanting for us to not go yet, but we have no other choice to go and get more stronger than ever in two similar ways. Mox (Jonathan's Nickname) need to be in AEW, so that he can get more badass and return here to reunite once again someday. I need TNA for my efforts and more strength in my matches.

Here's the reasons from our friends and family here beside us...Mercedes and Fergal. Merc (Mercedes's Nickname) wanted to go back to ROH for some more fights and action with our former team members. Ferg (Fergal's Nickname) has to leave for MMA training to become an UFC mixed artist due to his immense history of street fights and ring battles for money.

Once we exit the ring, Mox lift me up bridal style, and carried me backstage as the fans thanked Mister and Miss Lunatic Fringe. Merc and Ferg joined by our side. They begun chanting our names as we raise our arms in victory and nodded at them in respect.

Don't worry fans...we will return in no time...but not this time...Mox need some strength in AEW as loving wrestlers and our two kids as caring parents...Bye WWE...for now. I have to get more voice out loud and clear to tell them my life story live by music.

*End Of Flashback*


Jon Moxley woke up to see his rockstar wife Paige Knight on top of him asleep in peace, Mox smiled as he brushed his fingers through her long dark hair and kiss her forehead tenderly. She stir a bit in her deep sleep before cuddling instinctively into her husband's warm embrace, making Mox tighten his arms a bit around her to where she could be comfy and warm. Saraya felt eyes on her, so she opened her doe eyes to see Mox staring at her in love and care.

She giggles softly when Mox peck his lips on hers and playfully nuzzle his nose on hers. He pulls away to kiss Paige again and caress her body, causing her to moan softly. Mox lifts her on his lap and let Paige lay her head on his chest.

"Morning Dollface," he murmured her nickname into her ear lightly.

"Morning Lunatic," she replied softly back to him.

Mox gently lays on top of her as his raven haired wife hums in absolute content, and carefully hugs Paige close to him due to her almost career risking neck injury and her barbie frame of a porcelain doll. Mox hoists Paige up into his arms and took them into the bathroom to get cleaned up. They have wanted four kids in total in their lives, so their wish came true after their relationship and their engagement throughout whole marriage within their honeymoon.

They gently cleaned each other together and got cozy in the hot water of the bathtub before drying off. They quietly walked to two different bedrooms, Mox in the bedroom of their sons, and Paige in the bedroom of their daughters. The two saw their kids sleeping soundly in their beds and were peaceful to have their parents here with them at home.

"Those two remind me of me, Colby and our two siblings when I was their, Brandon, Rosaline and Colby getting carried out by our parents." Paige thought to herself.

Paige swiftly took the blankets off and put her daughters on her pale shoulders, laughing at the squeals of excitement coming out from the mouth of the two girls. Paige rushes into the living room and plop them on her father who catches them.

"Mommy, Daddy, why are we up early?" Their youngest daughter asked sleepily to her parents.

"Sweetheart, we got some good news for y'all, and your aunts and uncles." Paige replied to her in a soft tone.

Mox took a deep breath and say, "I got a phone call from your grandparents, they will watch y'all four alongside your uncle Brandon and your aunt Rosaline."

The four kids let out squeals of delight as they made an adorable dog pile on their dad and mom. Their daughters quickly ran to their rooms like their sons did and instantly went to work on themselves. The married couple chuckled in amusement before standing up and heading straight to their own bedroom to change into their casual clothes.

Mox and Paige helped each other out while smiling proudly at themselves. They pecked lips and stare within each other's eyes in love. During their lives in the middle of 2018 to the beginning of 2019, they had drops of toxic made from pure hatred towards their relationship and went on a monthly break. They decided to fix their marriage with counseling for the sake of their marriage and kids.

"Let's hope we'll surprise our new rivals with some backup," he told his wife cockily.

Mox helps Paige's place her jewelry on, he brushes her hair and put it in a messy bun. Paige got his leather jacket that she bought for his birthday and gave the black coat to Mox. He just smiles downwards at her a little, caressing his hand on her flat stomach where he gave her some children that they wanted to have in their lives and family.

"This is why you're the man I married and always loved 24/7 since then. I don't care people hate on you for hurting me those two years ago, it's simply just an accident and I know that you're sincerely sorry for slapping me hard right on my cheek. It wasn't your damn fault Jon, I still hate the management and the company from this special day forward until the Devil himself sent a damn sincere fucking apology to me for your frustrations." Paige told him quietly, making sure their kids don't hear their private conversation before kissing Mox's cheek where one of his prominent dimples were at.

"Till then, we'll fight for our family and bring our four little kids the amount of joy they need from us. I love you so much Rya," Jon responded, holding his wife's hand in a gentle grip and squeezing it in reassurance.

The couple begun making plans for their return, they called ROH for May Zodiac and UFC for Jonah Arsene. Paige nodded, she saw their kids dressed and ready for a long road trip. Mox and Paige's family is ready to return to WWE to end the injustice the Hounds Of Justice. They'll get their pure gold back and unleash their teeth by their anger.

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