Am i invisible

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Am i invisible to you? Is my pain invisible you try to be good yet all you cause is chaos and suffering. I left because of that and i won't come back, if you think i am you sadly mistaken. you ruin me like you ruin my heart. You try to control me yet all i try to do is run. You say its cause of my body yet its not its cause of you. You say i'm just stress cause i'm growing yet i know i'm not! It angers me inside and saddens me to know i can't tell you anything cause you want to think and believe im okay im "perfect" if im so emotional don't you realize that isn't normal for me? You say i'm a snowflake? Yet im HUMAN IM ONLY HUMAN!!! that's all i can be yet you treat me as if im nothing more to you then a toy you only show me love when your half say you forget easy yet that's all you do is forget and neglect me and my brother.

My Diary and Dark PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora