Chapter 5

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"The harder the battle, the sweeter the success."

*Six Months Later*

"Oi imoto?" I look over to see Gajeel walking towards me and I smile jumping out of my seat to hug him.

"You're finally back! You took forever on that mission, Juvia has been up my ass." I say sighing making him chuckle.

"Actually I came to talk to you, Master has a job for the both of us." I nod my head and quickly go into serious mode.

"Hai." With that we both walk up to the office. These six months have been a blessing, I have a family. Gajeel has become my big brother, while Juvia has become my annoying older sister, but I do care for her. Totomaru and I are like best friends, while the others, they treat me like family. Drinking competions, guild brawls. Anything and everything, it's amazing.

"Otosan? You asked to see us?" Yes.. I have started calling Jose father, he has became that in these months. Training me , treating me as an equal. Between me and Gajeel we are basically second in command in the guild.

"I have decided it is time to begin our.. fun." Gajeel and I both smirk looking at each other.

"Where to Master?"



Gajeel and I walk through Magnolia in the dead of night, making sure to stay unseen. As we approach the guild I can't help but to get angry when I see the guild hall. After learning of the fairy masters disrespect to otosan, I can't help but to be infruiated by their presence. Even the building.

"You ready to raise some hell imoto?" I smirk and hold up a hand letting it be engulfed in my new and more powerful black flames.

"Isn't that what I was born for?" With that said we both jump in different directions.

While he begins destroying the outside with his iron beams, I take to the inside and set myself on fire burning everything I touch, their bar, their tables, even the pillars. I want this place to suffer. I let my hands run across the walls leaving black indents into their foundation.

"Oi watch it!" I yell to my brother as I barely avoid a beam.

"Sorry sis!" He yells back and continues making me chuckle. I sigh and roll my eyes and decide to head into their masters office. I smirk and begin letting fire shoot from my fingertips, burning everything. The papers, his desk, and finally, I char his stamp for their insigna, leaving it sittng on his dismantled desk, as a reminder.

"Gajeel, we have done enough." I say simply and begin exiting the guild, I turn and look at the damage. Iron pillar shooting out from every direction, holes in their walls and foundation from my flames. Otosan will be proud.

"You're right. If this doesn't set them off. Nothing will."


The next night Gajeel and I are back in Magnolia, once again in the dead of night. But this time it was our idea. Both Gajeel and I stand on the roof tops looking over the city. Until finally we see it, a team of fairies walking through their town like there is no threat at all.

"Shall we my dear aniki."

"Of course my lovely imoto." With that said we strike, beating the three members to a pulp. Literally, with Gajeel using his iron to cause multiple bruises and cuts along their oh so perfect bodies, me on the other hand, I have my fist incased in flames. Every hit causing severe burns along their arms and torso, but this little blue haired girl got a special one to the face. Maybe it'll make her look better.

"Alright kid, let's put them in the spot and head out, it's going to be morning soon."


We walk towards the park in the center of Magnolia dragging these fairies behind us. They didn't even notice our presence, how pathetic. Some strongest guild, I can't wait to hear what the runts are going to do after this, cause boy are they gonna be pissed.

"This tree, perfect." Gajeel says, I hold them up and he uses his iron to hold them up by their wrists against the tree. I smirk and stare at the three fairies looking all miserable. This is amusing to me, beyond all measures.

"Wait, I want to add the final touch." I smirk grabbing the paint marker I have in my boot and draw the phantom insigna on the blue haired chicks stomach. "This'll really rile them up."

"You're a genius, little sister." Gajeel says ruffling my hair making me smirk.

"Let's get back to the guild before the sun rises." With that we jump across the rooftops and head back towards our guild.


We've finally returned, and the first thing Gajeel does is eat iron, he used quite a bit the past two nights. Me on the other hand, I'm simply emjoying a pint and a large array of sushi. What can I say? I'm a sucker for anything seafood, I love it all.

I glance up to see one of the members coming up towards me and Gajeel and I groan making him look at me confused with iron in his mouth. "Incoming." I mumble taking another drink making him roll his eyes.

"So Gajeel, Jade, I heard you two made a mess out of the FairyTail guild hall?! Oh man I wish I coulda seen the looks on their faces! Probably out crying to their mommies, boo hoo." I watch Gajeel snap his mouth shit and grit his teeth.

"You done fucked up man." He looks and me confused until a beam of iron smokes him in the face making me hold my stomach and laugh. I wipe a tear from my eye and smirk at the kid.

"How many times do I have to tell ya, I don't like to be bothered while I'm eating!" He stands up and smirks. "And besides those FairyTail clowns can't challenge us. We're way more powerful then they could ever hope to be." I smirk standing beside him and cross my arms.

"Along with that, they don't know I exist, they don't even know who I am. You think they'll ever be able to handle the Hellbringers? Okay, that'll be the day." I say with one eyebrow up, yes that's our team name. Don't judge.

"The embers have been spread. Splendid work Gajeel, Jade." I smile and nod my head at the father figure in my life.

"I don't think we were hard enough on them.Hence why me and my little sister decided to leave them something... extra you could say.It's sure to get those fairies wound up real nice." Gajeel says looking at me smirking, making me smirk as well.

"Be sure to take extra care and make sure no harm comes to that one. If you could please." Making Gajeel smirk and me look confused.

Who are they talking about.. Why don't I know?

I apolgize for the hiatus!! This book is basically finished and I will be editing the chapters before I upload, the book should be completely uploaded by the end of the week. Thank you for your patience!!

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