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the gray, rocky asteroid swiveled slowly in the sky as it was heading down in flames. it still hasn't hit where han jisung and this stranger were standing in yet but he was definitely sure it was getting really close despite his eyes telling him the destructable planetois was currently a country mile away from the both of them.

the asteroid was heading straight towards the earth.

the violent wind picked up its pace, pushing through the trees and flowers. petals and leaves blown out fell to the earthly ground as if asking a final time for mother nature's protection, one which humans probably never deserved from her after what they've done to this planet.

jisung's eyes squinted at the asteroid moving at a sluggish pace, his ears receiving the death signals coming in forms of deadly screams from the citizens and giant crashing of buildings from the nearby city.

"they said the end of the world is gonna happen fifty years later, i can't believe nasa lied to our faces," the boy next to him chuckled lightheartedly. jisung looked over at him, his eyes wide in disbelief. who laughs in a such a situation? but then again why bother running away when you know your death is inevitable?

his fluffy brown hair shook as he shrugged like he had been waiting for this day's arrival and he had come prepared to face everything that was going to happen tonight. when he turned to jisung, he smiled and reached his hand out, "the name's minho, it was nice meeting you." "jisung..." he took minho's and he shook it before letting their joint hands drop to the side.

minho stepped closer to him, looking up at the sky and embracing the wind, the fear all swallowed up in his heart already and he felt acceptance. the world was ending. "i'm sure you have millions of other people you want to be with right now, and i have a couple few i would like to see at the moment too," minho said, squeezing jisung's hand, "but, uh, i'm just glad i'm not alone while all this is."

jisung didn't say anything, and instead gave minho a slight grin and nodded lightly. the growing pink of his cheeks were either his overjoyed heart reacting to the incredibly handsome guy standing with him or the deathly heat of the closing asteroid.

the asteroid was getting closer and closer at a fast rate. "do you think it'll hurt?" jisung finally asked, looking away, finding himself unable to look at the very thing that was going to kill him. minho could feel jisung's hand shaking in his steady one.

"it'll only last a second, i promi-"

and that was the last sentence jisung ever heard.

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