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the deafening honk of a car resomated throughout the neighbourhood on a cold, winter night, waking minho up from his sleep with ease. he would've went back to his peaceful slumber if it weren’t for the fact that the noise was coming from somewhere extremely near to his place.

fighting the urge to go back to sleep, he stood on his tip-toes and walked across the cold, tiled floor and headed to the balcony. after adjusting his eyes to the darkness for a few minutes, he looks over and widens his eyes when they met a small hooded boy clad in light green, grinning and waving at him.

minho scrambles back to his room, grabbing his beloved cellphone and dialled jisung's number before returning back to the balcony. as expected, jisung reached for his pocket and fumbled with the device before accepting minho's call.“what're you doing here?” minho hissed, making him chuckle on the other end.

“wanna go stargazing?" jisung asked, quite joyfully for someone standing on one's own on a pitch black, cool night. minho was about to shout at him through the phone but jisung's gleaming eyes and the cute smile emerging on his lips caught his attention, making his heart do flips.

"be down in a few," minho hung up and grabbed his favoueite blue hoodie from the laundry basket, rushing downstairs quietly to not wake his cats up from their dreamlands.

though they liked jisung, minho would rather not have them disturb the moment he and jisung could be having. minho climbed behind jisung on his scooter, his hands gripping jisung's waist tightly.

they soon took off into the tranquil night which was most likely to end beautifully and amazingly for the both of you. like, what could be more romantic than spending the night counting stars with han jisung?

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