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we were chilling on the couch...

"so any plans for today?" anthony asked. "nope." i kept my attention on my phone. "i'm bored." he sighed. that's when he took my phone right out my hands.

"hey asshole give it back." i crossed my arms. "what's so good about this thing anyways?" he starts going through my phone. "nothing now give it here." i tried snatching it but he moved his hands fast.

"do you even have a phone?" i questioned him. "no and i don't want one." he gave me my phone back. "why don't you have one?" i put my attention on him.

"because i never got one." he turns his body and looks at me. "so you never had a phone?" he shook his head no. "like ever?" he shook no again.

i bursted out laughing. "what's funny." he slightly smiled. "because what have you been doing these pastes couple years?" i giggled. "umm." he thought about it.

"nothing! i bet." i laugh again. "i have most certainly been occupied." he defends himself. "like what?" i smile waiting on a answer. he thinks for awhile. "like i thought. nothing." i giggled.

"actually i have friends, unlike you." he mentions. "you. have friends?" i wasn't buying it. "you heard me." he said. "if you had friends you wouldn't be here everyday. come on, let's be real." i said.

"i-" he stuttered on his words. "see." i scroll on my phone. he except the fact that's he doesn't have friends and lays his head on my shoulder watching me scroll.

"ok, i know." i came up with an idea. anthony sat there waiting for me to speak. "i'll be right back!" i quickly ran upstairs. i went straight to my vanity drawer.

i searched for this one particular item. "here it is." i say to my self i ran back down the stairs almost tripping. i laughed to myself.

"ok, ready?" i smiled biting my bottom lip. "yeah, hit me." i slowly pulled it from behind my back them whipped it out.

(he made this face 😐 but smiling, i don't know how to put it. 😂)

"a phone?" he chuckled. "yes a phone." my smile dropped. "what am i'm going to do with that?" he asked the dumbest thing he's said all day. "call, text, social media." i dragged the word media.

"remember. i have no friends. so who would i call? who would i text?" he did have a point. "umm, me. i'll be your friend."

that was stupid, why'd i say that? i completely just friend zoned him considering we almost kissed last night. "ok, but i don't even know how to work that thing." he shrugged.

"i'll teach you." i walked over to the couch and sat close to him. he once again put his head on my shoulder. i held down the power button so that the phone could power on.

it took about 15 seconds and it was on. i put in the password and the home screen appeared. "ok so this is the home screen." i swiped over so that he could see both pages.

"you know how to read so you should get the hang of it." i handed the phone to him. he grabbed it and clicked on the camera. his eyes widen as he saw his reflection. "hey i can see myself in the screen."

he gave me a cheeky smile where i could see his dimples. "no duh, it's the camera app." i rolled my eyes at him. we sat there for about 20 minutes on the phone.

i showed him all the apps and how they worked and what you'd need them for. "ok, i'm going to put my number in this phone so you can call me." i grabbed the phone and put my number in.

"your very first contact." i smiled giving the phone back to him. "what's these buttons do?" he asked me, it was my contact on the screen.

it read messages, call, facetime, mail, and pay. "obviously you press message to message me, call to call me and facetime is like face call and mail and pay, nobody uses those." i told him.

"here facetime me." i clicked the facetime button and grabbed my phone running into the other room. i answered it and anthony's forehead was in the screen.

"hey! i can see you in my screen thalia." he laughed. "me too." he's so slow. "ok, if you press the screen you can see buttons at the bottom. the red botton is to hang up. that's all you need to know."

i hung up and walked back into the living room where anthony was. "i take it you know how to work the phone." i cross my arms. "yeah, definitely, it's easy." he said.

"ok so don't drop it, or it'll probably crack. and trust me you don't want that. or it'll brake and you don't want that either." i explained. he shook his head yes.

Vamp Lust {anthony reeves} Where stories live. Discover now