The Goodmorning Text He Sends You

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BeauBear💟- Goodmorning baby💕Meet me at the park at one I've missed you sweetie xx

Jaibo❤️- Morning beautiful😋Wanna come round later babe?💗

Luke the sassy biatch💁- Get your fucking lazy ass up rn. The sun is shining that means wake the fuck up. k. ps I love you💕

Daniel Shithead💩-I swear if you don't wake up,I will drive over to your house and fart on your face. Wake up I'm bored😐I still love you though please don't hurt me😁❤️

Jamesyboy😍- Goodmorning princess😚Hope you have an amazing day☺️I love you so much💕I'll be over later to see you xx

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