Chapter 4: nightmares

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It had been a few months since Isabel had joined Levi and Farlan. She had come out of her shell now and was very bubbly and energetic. "I'm hungry!" She moaned as the three walked through the alleyways, "If you keep quiet and do this job right we will get food." Farlan snapped at her. It didn't hurt Isabel as she knew he was just stressed out. "Shut up both of you, they are nearly here." They crouched in silence until Levi gave the signal to go onto 3DMG. Yes! Isabel thought. She loved using the 3DMG. There was something about using them that made her feel free and rebellious. Levi gave her a look that told her to get her head out of the clouds and focus on the task ahead. Isabel's stomach fluttered at this look and she quickly turned away. She shook her head, right focusing on the task ahead come on Isabel! She told herself. Now that they could see the carriage Levi nodded at Farlan to signal that he should go down on the ground. He nodded back and did so. Isabel could see him go up to the carriage as it halted and politely stood at the door to it and talked to the noblemen and women inside. He is probably asking them to donate for the poorer people Isabel contemplated. Levi then quickly shot a glance her way and jerked his head. Isabel shot up and swooped down as quick as a bullet with Levi beside her. They easily got the food and riches they needed and soon went on their way. Of course they had to make sure the people wouldn't report them so... well you get the idea. Isabel didn't like doing this but it had to be done if they wanted to survive. "Survival of the fittest." She mumbled as she walked slightly behind the other two.
~a bit of walking later~
Isabel, Levi and Farlan had arrived home safely and were enjoying some of the food they gained. "Guys can I just thank you again. Without you I would be dead so yeah." Isabel raised her glass, "I would like to make a toast! To big brother and Farlan!" She reached across the table and clinked glasses with the two as they were not as enthusiastic as she was. Soon it was time for bed. Isabel said goodnight, did her nighttime routine and got into bed. Her eyes became heavy and they slowly shut and the world went dark.

Blood. Screams. Lashes. Pain. Isabel squirmed and cried as she flash backed to her time before living with Levi and Farlan. Her mother beating her and calling her a devil because she couldn't afford to pay for them both. Her father leaving her mother because he couldn't handle it anymore. Blood swirling down the plug hole as she gazed down cast at the bottom of the bath. (You guys know what I mean the bath shower things yeah? XD) the scars the abuse had caused still tainted and writhed on her skin. She then saw her mother underneath her, dead. Blood covering everything. Blood covering herself. Blood covering the knife she held. Isabel jerked awake with a scream and sat there panting. She jumped as someone entered. It was Levi. "S-sorry," she mumbled, " I had a bad dream. Sorry I woke you." He gazed at her with a ...sympathetic look? "It's okay," he said reassuringly, "I get them sometimes too." She nodded. She knew all three of them had been through tough times in their lives and they will haunt them until their deaths come and they are buried under the ground with the rest of the fallen. "Would you like me to stay?" Levi asked quietly. Isabel's head snapped up and she frowned at Levi. He never made offers like this. "Ah! O-okay. I-I mean only if your comfortable doing it." Levi nodded and walked over to the edge of the bed and kneeled beside it. He stroked her hair gently and whispered too her as her eyelids grew heavy once more, "sleep. It'll be fine. I'm right here." Isabel trusted him and slipped into a deep sleep, but she swore as she was slipping she felt something soft touch her forehead. They felt like lips but she couldn't be sure but whatever it was sent her heart racing and her tummy flipping.
(Sorry I haven't updated in ages I've been busy and stuff and yeah hehe I hope you enjoyed anyways. Thanks for reading *^*)

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