Floor 3: Mermaids and Perverts

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"Luffy?!" Nami called in frustration as they climbed up the stairs. "Could you wait up for once? Don't go charging in!"

"But it stopped just when we were getting to the good part!" Luffy called back as he spotted the next door. "I wanna see what happens next!"

"Luffy, we don't know what's going on! Besides, you already know what happens!" Sanji yelled, only gritting his teeth when he heard a door opening up and knew that Luffy already made it to the next floor. "Dammit, why doesn't he ever listen?!"

"He's Luffy! It's what he does," Usopp reminded him as they continued to climb up and spotting the open door.

"He's gonna get himself killed one day," Nami gasped out.

"Or all of us," Usopp panted as they went burst over the threshold into the next room, only for the door to, once again, slam shut behind them.

"Damn, I am really starting to hate this place," Franky hissed. "Someone's definitely toying with us here. And I am not happy about it."

"Hey, Luffy," Zoro scolded. "What if something happened? We have to stay together until we get some answers."

Luffy rubbed his head, as if he just remembered that he promised to stay with the others. "Sorry," he said. "But I was just going up the stairs! It's not like you can get lost here."

"Knowing Moss-Head, he'd find a way," Sanji spoke up as the images around them began to change, and Zoro was giving him a deeply annoyed look, like he was imagining slicing off his head.

"And remember the last time you did that?" Nami added darkly. "We found you out cold on the ground. Jeez, think before you act. That's not too much to ask, is it?" Then she remembered who she was talking to and added with a sigh, "Then again, maybe it is."

The images were becoming clearer and light was returning quickly. Nami was just wondering if she could somehow put a leash on Luffy when the room started to show up around them.

"Where's this?" she asked.

"Oh! I know it!" Chopper cried out at once in excitement, recognizing the place at once. "This is Camie's house! This was where we woke up after we ended up in the water again!"

"Right! I remember this! The mermaids found us and saved us before drowning," Luffy said happily.

"Really?" Brook asked as the house soon came into focus and he could get a good look around. It was a small and humble place to live, but it was clean, with half the floor full of water and bright colors all around that practically shouted out the bubbly personality that the person who lived there had. "I like it," he decided. "It makes my heart feel so happy! Not that a skeleton has a heart, Yohohoho!"

"Hey, look," Usopp said happily, "There we are."

He was right, laying on a large, clam-shaped bed were the memory versions of Luffy, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper—all of them apparently sleeping, and having been changed out of their wet clothes into Criminal brand shirts and casual clothes.

"AH! CAMIE!" current Sanji cried out in joy when the mermaid entered. Not much had changed about her over the last two years, she did grow a bit since then, looking a little less child-like, and developed more of a womanly figure. She was wearing a black Criminal brand spaghetti strapped top with a jagged hem and some new jewelry of a red-beaded necklace and a flowery bracelet.

"Oh, she just grows more beautiful every time I see her!" Sanji gasped out, his eyes replaced with hearts as he watched her move around the kitchen with adoration as she began making up some food for her guests when they wake up.

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