Floor 15: Creeping Shadows

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The memory faded after that until they were back in Perona's Garden, taking them all by surprise. Especially when the first thing they saw was that memory Nami still running for her life from Lola and the memory versions of Usopp and Chopper were doing their best to try and distract the pink boar zombie. They were hanging off her tusks, hitting her over and over as they yelled at her to stop, but Lola barely paid any attention to them as she continued to give chase.


"I'M WARNING YOU!" memory Chopper screamed as he kept punching Lola. "I WON'T STOP PUNCHING UNTIL YOU STOP RUNNING!"

"Nice try, boys," present-day Nami stated.

"She was just too strong for us," present-day Usopp sighed. "It was like hitting a brick wall. Sorry, Nami. We really did try."

"Well, they do say that there's nothing scarier than a woman in love," Franky offered as he thought that over. "They are known to be unstoppable."

"Oh, Lola..." present-day Nami said fondly.

When they realized that nothing they tried was working, memory Usopp screamed out, "GET AWAY, NAMI! HURRY!"

"What did you guys think I was doing?" present-day Nami couldn't help but mutter darkly under her breath.

"I'M GONNA CRUSH YOU! YOU FILTHY CAT BURGLAR!" Lola shrieked menacingly as she continued to give chase. Even as memory Nami screamed in fear Lola kept going, declaring, "THE ONLY WOMAN THAT ABSALOM IS ALLOWED TO MARRY IS ME!"

"You can have him!" Sanji yelled out. "Not that he deserves a woman of your devotion, but just leave my dear Nami-swan alone!"

"Oh, no, we have enough of that," present-day Nami said with a roll of her eyes. One pervert is bad enough. Well, one good thing about Sanji is that she's sure that he would never force a woman to marry him. He would be heart-broken, of course. But he bounces back quickly.

At last, Lola grew irritated enough that she tossed her head up, able to throw both the memory versions of Usopp and Chopper into the air and off of her. Memory Usopp landed in a nearby tree as memory Chopper went crashing through one of the set up screens, leaving a giant hole. At that moment, memory Nami caught her foot over a tree root and tripped, and Lola was right over her with the swords still in her hands as she prepared to strike. There was no longer anything that the memory Usopp or Chopper could do but watch in terror as memory Nami rolled over, her hands held up defensively as she tried one last time to talk herself out of this. Though this was only a memory, they all forgot about it, some of them even running over to Nami's rescue.

"Wait! You got it all wrong!" memory Nami cried out desperately, but Lola was now directly above her, even as Sanji already went running off to jump in front of her and shield her with his body if he had to. Lola's eyes glowing as memory Nami kept trying to find something to say.

"I... I'm..." and at last memory Nami cried out the one last thing that could have possibly stopped Lola, "THE TRUTH IS I'M A MAN!"

Lola was so shocked that she stopped dead in her tracks, her swords just stopping short of her neck. She then dropped them and fell her knees. "WHAAAAAAAAAT?" Lola and memory Chopper both cried out.

"WHAT?!" present-day Luffy yelled in shock. "REALLY?!"

"NO! YOU IDIOT!" present-day Nami yelled at him.

"Oh, come on, Chopper," memory Usopp said to Chopper, who was still staring at Nami like he had never seen her before.

"Don't tell me you believed that, Chopper?!" present-day Nami gasped out, "How is any part of my anything like a man?!"

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