Chap 13

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Chapter thirteen

"Today is gonna totally suck," Jones exclaimed as he pulled into the school parking lot. Margeux rolled her eyes as Kenzie shouted from the backseat, "No it won't cause One Direction is coming today!!"

"I know Kenzie girl cause I've done heard you like a gazillion times."

"I know huh?" Margeux added smiling.

"Nuh uh honey. I know you feeling the same vibe as Kenzie here. You can't wait to see your Mister Zayn! So shut the hell up with that," Jones said as he parked.

"You know I would say something to that, but since you just gave me a ride, I'll let it slide."

"Recognize girl! Cause now you done owe me double!" Jones jokingly said as he got out the car.

Margeux and Kenzie did as well as the three made their way to the front entrance.

"If they come to the school I'm gonna die!" Kenzie said as she cupped her face dramatically.

"Oh my gosh calm down honey," Jones said as he wrapped his arm around Kenzie and held her tight. "It ain't like they the sexiest thangs out there cause I'm right here baby."

Margeux and Kenzie burst out laughing in hysteria.

"But I think Margeux might disagree since she has fallen head over heels for Mister Zayn!"

"Jones shut it with that!" Margeux said blushing.

"Oh okay I see now," Kenzie said giving Margeux a small wink.

"You guys!" Margeux shouted as she opened the door for them and followed into the building after them.

Jones quickly let go of Kenzie and playfully pushed her away. "Now swerve! I can't be seen with freshmen!"

Kenzie rolled her eyes. "Fine!! Bye Margeux!"

"Bye girly," Margeux waved as she watched a group of girls join Kenzie down the hallway.

She laughed. "That's so cute how she has her own posse," Margeux said as she and Jones made their way down the other hallway.

"Yeah. Oh and speaking of cute things, when you gonna tell Mister Zayn that you think he's a fine motherfu-"

"Oh my gosh Jones stop!" Margeux yelled out laughing. She felt her cheeks flush with a warm feeling.

"Mmm hmm! Even mentioning his name gives you rosy cheeks."

"No! Cause his name isn't Mister Zayn," Margeux defensively stated.

"Whatever honey! I know deep down you're pretty excited they're coming on down. Nah scratch that, it ain't that deep down."

Margeux smiled widely as she playfully shoved Jones to the side.

He was right though. When Kenzie had mentioned the night before that One Direction was coming for a concert, her heart raced just thinking about seeing Zayn again.

She didn't even really know why. They didn't spend that much time together, but the moments they shared meant a lot to her.

As soon as Jones and Margeux turned the corner, they saw Jerry.

"Oh hey Margeux. Jones," he said smiling to the two of them.

"Hey man!" Jones greeted goofily which caused Margeux to go into a fit of laughter.

"Hey do you mind if I steal Margeux from you for a second?" Jerry asked flashing his gorgeous smile at Jones.

"Take her and do what you want cause I don't want her stank behind anymore!"

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