chapter two

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The following Monday arrived after an uneventful weekend. Jaime had missed the work, as she did every weekend. Sometimes, they worked over the weekend, but Jaime didn't like having to do that. Abi was still a college student, which Jaime sympathized with. Still just a kid, but certainly more diligent than the previous bassist. Throw Dart had always had a revolving door of bass players, but it seemed Abi was here to stay.

This morning, the band wasn't scheduled to come until around ten, and it was seven when Jaime pulled into the parking lot. She figured she'd use her spare time mixing the tracks they already had finished.

"Wait. So you're telling me Victoria got suspended?" She says into the phone pressed to her ear as she slams her car door behind her.

"For fucking standing up for herself. I mean, can you believe it? This is what public education has come to? Christ's sake." Victor mumbles, along with a stream of curse words. Jaime hears him take a long drink of coffee.

"Well, she probably shouldn't have slapped that girl... but still." As she enters the studio building, she waves politely to Nick, a fellow producer who used this building for mixing hip-hop tracks.

"I don't see why not. She was being a bitch." Vic says bluntly. "Anyway, do you want to talk to her? She's upset she's missing the science field trip."

"Yeah, put her on." She steps into the elevator and hears the sound of shuffling on the other end of the phone line.

Then, a feeble, "Hi, Aunt Jay."

"Hey, Tori." She greets, already feeling awkward. She'd never been that good at conversing with kids, though Tori was growing up quickly and already in junior high. "You taking care of your dad?"

"No way. Yesterday night he came home from work with a huge cut on his forearm. He said it was from... I don't know, doing something with wood."

Jaime laughs. "Let me guess. He pretended as if it didn't exist while dripping blood everywhere."

"Yes!" Tori replies, giggling herself. "Mom got so mad. But, not mad mad, just like, caring mad. You know?"

"Yeah," Jaime smiles to herself, feeling warmth as memories of her childhood desperately clawed at her, attempting to be noticed. Hadn't Victor been like that? Overbearing... protective. She thinks so, she can't remember a time not having that type of sibling dynamic with him. And yet, she could still see blurry flashes of memories in her mind, hopelessly piecing together in a fuddled mess. Victor's grimacing face, him shouting at her, putting a chair up to her doorknob so she couldn't leave her room. Jaime's smile creases into a deep frown, and despite taking her painkillers right when she awoke that morning, a dull pain blooms in her skull.

"Well, um. Are you going to work?" Tori's voice snaps her out of her stupor.

"Oh, yes. I'm here now, about to work on some tracks. Listen, Tori, I know you're upset about being suspended and all, but enjoy your time off, okay? Watch some movies, play video games... just don't dwell on it. Have fun."

"Okay, thank you, Aunt Jay. Love you."

"Love you, too. Tell your dad I'll talk to him later and that I love him."

"Okay, bye."

Jaime hangs up her phone just as she fishes her keys out from her purse and jams them into the doorknob of the studio. But to her surprise, she soon realizes the door is already unlocked. Confused, she opens the door and enters the room. The sight of Corey, her assistant, greeted her as she sighed in relief.

"You didn't lock it." He says casually, sipping at a Starbucks beverage. She shoots him a playful scowl.

"That's weird. I know I did on Friday night." She says dismissively, taking a seat in the office chair in front of the soundboard. "Anyway, the band will be here around ten."

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