chapter sixteen

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Despite the terrors of the days prior, Jaime slept like a baby in her Derry Townhouse bed all night. She'd suffered from insomnia since after the first encounter with It, and she was accustomed to waking up frequently throughout the night. But twelve hours passed, and she barely even murmured in her slumber.

She couldn't help but feel as if she had been spiritually cleansed, although she'd never really looked into that type of stuff. For once, no worries nagged at her. And as she looked at herself in the mirror, her packed bags on the bed behind her, she was confident. She smooths out her slightly wrinkled blouse with an uncontrollable smile. Her eyes don't even leave the mirror as a knock sounds at the door and she calls, "come in!"

The door creaks open noisily. Beverly pops her head in, smiling brightly. "Rise and shine. I got you something." She walks in, an iced caramel coffee in her hand. Jaime cheers happily and takes it.

"Thanks, Bev. I actually slept amazingly last night, but I could use some sugar." She says before sipping the cold liquid.

"That's what I figured. Well, I went down to Starbucks and figured it wouldn't be proper etiquette to not bring anything back for you guys. Can you believe Derry has a Starbucks?" Beverly sits on the unmade bed next to Jaime's luggage.

"I spent most of the trip back thinking that exact thing about all the chains that have popped up here. It's crazy." Jaime moves toward the window and parts the blinds, seeing all the modern cars zooming down the street. Now it's a safe place for good, she thinks and wonders if Beverly shares her thought.

Beverly hums. "It has changed, for sure. For the better, I hope."

"Me, too." Jaime walks over and sits next to Beverly, once again catching a whiff of her fruity perfume. "You have got to tell me what that fragrance is, it smells so good."

The redhead laughs lightly. "You're not gonna believe this."

"Am I?"

"It's some cheap Victoria's Secret perfume I bought for like fifteen dollars--"

"You're kidding!" Jaime exclaims, smiling. "Would've guessed Gucci."

"I wouldn't bring my Gucci perfume to Derry!" Beverly laughs again, a vibrant and warming noise. "Smelling like rose essence and waterlily for a few days wasn't worth the risk of losing it somewhere here. That thing was expensive!"

"It's nice to see you still care about finances despite having as much money as you do." Jaime remarks, half-joking and half-serious.

"Says you, miss I-Wrote-A-Britney-Spears-Hit-Single!" She shoots back.

"Please, please, please don't let me be remembered by that. How many times must I ask." She sighs dramatically with a playful roll of her eyes.

Beverly laughs and bumps their shoulders together. They sit in comfortable silence for a moment while Jaime sips her calorie-dense beverage. Jaime and Beverly had never been best-buddies; they never had much of a chance to. Despite this, there was a lingering chemistry between the two that had never been exercised. Now, however, Jaime hopes they can stay in contact for many years to come.

"So, you leaving with Ben?" Jaime asks curiously, hoping to not be too invasive.

At the mention of Ben, a wide smile stretches Beverly's cheeks. "Yeah, I think so. I'm... really excited about it."

"I'm happy for you." Jaime tells her honestly.

Beverly nods and stands. "Well, actually, our flight boards in about an hour."

"Oh, okay." Jaime stands and puts her drink on the dresser. "Well, it's been real."

"Hasn't it?" Beverly outstretches her arms. "C'mon, Jay, bring it in."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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