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Tony Stark died 3 months ago. He left behind a little 5-year-old girl, named Morgan, and his wife, Pepper. They are doing okay, Pepper knows it's for the best as she knows that Tony wouldn't want to live with a half disabled body. Morgan understands that her daddy is gone, and she is strong. Pepper is incredibly proud of her little girl, and they both know Tony is too.

He left behind the Avengers. Every single one of them is moving on, slightly. They'll never be able to leave it behind completely, but that's fine. Tony was the centre of the group, even when he left for 5 years. He started the family he always wanted, and they are grateful for that. Pepper and Morgan have moved into the tower, and Morgan tells a story about her dad every saturday, when they sit down together and share stories about the man that made the Avengers.

The man who made the time-heist possible. The one who, even though his ego shined through at times, had a heart of gold. The man who sacrificed himself for the sake of the universe. The man who brought everyone back.

But he left someone else behind too. His name is Peter Parker. And Peter is having trouble. He hasn't been to the tower since the death of his mentor, even though both the Avengers and Pepper have reached out to him. He mostly has been doing a routine, without really grasping what is going on around him. He wakes up, goes to school, eats something, and goes back to his dark room. Never opening the curtains, Peter cries in the dark, and when he can't bring himself to cry he sleeps. He sleeps to escape the world, to escape everything that reminds him of Tony.

His boyfriend Wade has no idea how he can help his Petey. He wants to help the boy he loves, but Peter is hiding behind a wall. And he only allows Wade to comfort him at times he can't bring himself to fight. Wade has been talking to Pepper, Ned and MJ, and they are planning something to give Peter a opportunity to say goodbye to the man he loved as a father. But something comes in the way of that plan, and they need to keep Peter from falling apart.

The problems only increase when their science teacher announces that they are going on a fieldtrip. To the house and company of the man who saved the planet. 

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