Mini rant: ignore of wanted

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Warning ⚠️ I'm cussing quite a bit in this one bois

So for my 3rd period, ELA, I'm not done my homework for tomorrow. Hah lol don't care <3 (jk I do, I just don't care enough to finish lololol man I LoOoVvVe procrastination)

The question I have to answer are three things to me.
1. Dumb
2. I don't care about them
3. Irrelevant to me

I much rather go at my own pace then listen to a boring ass recorded audio of every chapter. That's what my grade 7 teacher did, put on a book audio and just left the room time to time, while I, almost fell asleep on multiple occasions. Sometimes when my grade 7 teacher couldn't find the audio for the next chapter they'd just fucking read it themselves. AND MY WORRRDDDD, was that a fucking sleepfest.

I actually LIKE reading, I'll read anything to manga to 1000 paged books like IT by Stephan King (haven't finished it tho, might restart). bUT! I don't like being rushed to read them. I picked out a book for a book talk that's due next month, right? It's a good fucking book tbh, it's like Greek Mythology and romance. BUT I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO RUSH READ IT AND ITS ACTUALLY A GOOD BOOK TOO T^T.

To be really honest, I'm just pissed that I have pretty bad interpretation of questions, basically sometimes I can't even answer the simplest of questions, either that or that wording of the questions is throwing me off lol.

Like "Explain how the characteristics of the the (group of characters) are different in their treatment towards girls. Focus on (Insert 3 characters)" Ok well, one is a fucking dick tbh and is actually kinda terrible at flirting, second one is the main character, and he didn't really give a shit, and the third is a fucking bean who needs to be protected, also doesn't care that much either.

I doNT UNDERSTAND THE WORDING OF THE QUESTION. IS THAT THE ANSWER??? I- it's almost 3:30 in the morning..... I kinda just went off for a bit, sorry.

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