Lil rant ☺️

22 1 6

Jk lmao this is quite long. Also please, you don't have to read this at all I just need to rant.

Please, don't play with other's feelings. I don't care if you like them back or not, just don't. It's not nice, and hurts the person a lot.

Three friends and I were on call a few minutes ago, and one of them, who I will not name, said that this guy is "simping" over her. Using something as simple as good morning/night texts to prove her point, that's only one example however that's the one that stood out the most.
She to us that she would basically play him, because he liked her even if she had a "boyfriend" (she doesn't, I'm like 99% sure).

The rest of us were telling her not too, because playing with someone's feelings isn't ok, and no one should be lead on like that. After we repeated told her not too, she said we were making her mad and left the call. What are you mad at? Us telling you to not play with someone's feeling? I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry, because if you think that's ok you need to rethink everything.

And just a few minutes before that, one of my friends, along with me, said that we didn't like Roblox content (and Flamingo) because it's cringe in our opinion. And she literally burst saying, "well your opinion doesn't matter." And sIS- she wasn't joking.

Excuse me, but I thought it was ok to not like a certain genre of content? And secondly, she never really respects our opinions on anything now that I think about it. She doesn't like Uraraka Ochako ok? As that's fine, I respect your opinion, but if your reason to hate on her is because she's "ugly", please leave, because that's such a childish reason for anything. You don't vibe with a character, that's fine, but when other people are talking about said character, at least try to respectfully comment on the character, or just ignore the convo until they're done. And also when we asked why, she was like, "why does this always happen? I say my opinion and you all gang up on me. I just don't like her ok? Stop pushing the question." Something like that.

First of all no, we asked you nicely and respected your opinion on her, because we wanted to know why you don't like her. And second, you don't respect our opinions on things you like unless it's mutual, so I don't see why we have to respect yours if you don't with ours.

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