I Won't Feel - Chapter 3

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I walked quietly halfway down the stairs after I changed into a red tanktop with headphones on them and black sports shorts. I heard Rutus yelling at the TV because the Buckeyes were losing, and Dewdrop weighting a paper for school. I silently made it back up to my room and closed the door silently. I sighed slightly guiltily but quickly pushed the feeling back. I walked in front if my mirror and stained into the reflection of my face.

"Aww! The poor Tigey Wigey got hurt! Are you ok little baby?"... "Oh look! He's about to cry! The wittle care bear baby's gonna cwy for his mommy and daddy!"...
"Aw! Poor wittle itty bitty baby needs his diapy changed! Oh mommy! Daddy! I'm gonna cwy!"

I felt tears come to my eyes once more. I quickly wiped them away and opened my drawer, pulling out a razor. I cut myself on my thighs. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

When I finished, I quickly covered my thighs with cloths and washed off the razor. I put the razor away and got out a Juul that Rutus thought he lost. My brothers were asleep now, so I inhaled the peppermint vapor. I vaped for maybe an hour or two till I felt too tired to do anything anymore. At least I feel happy now! I put the Juul away, put on boxers and a soft tank, and fell asleep.

I won't let myself get bothered anymore... I promise...


A/N: I'm sorry about the slow updates and the short chapter. I'm also sorry if you are uncomfortable with depression and other things of the sort, but I also want this story to open people's minds to teen depression and etc. Lots of people ignore that it's a thing, but this story is supposed to change that too. Thank you all for reading.

-Fan Girl

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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