i dont know how to write angst shit

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(hey guys I fucking hate the highschool stereotype in fanfics but I'm gonna make this UNOFFICIAL chapter in a high school setting, also everyone is humanized FUCK YEA!! I LOVE THIS CRINGE!! H*CK YAAAAA)

"YO, FUCKHEAD! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" OSO shouted from the kitchen. I groan and rose out of bed, falling off and landing face-first into my carpet. I sluggishly get up and walk to my bathroom, locking it. Blood is splattered all over the sink, as well as blood-covered knives all over my medicine cabinet. I sigh as I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. I brush my teeth and walk out of the bathroom, grabbing my already neatly placed clothes on top of my drawer. my slit wrists show for a split second, but I cover them up with a random long-sleeved shirt. I grab my backpack and walk out, shutting the door. "You take forever, Novel, I didn't even bother to make breakfast for you." "Gee, thanks, you're a real lifesaver." "Whatever, let's just go." OSO walks out, and I follow. 



Black Square, a close (and only) friend of mine, catches up to me. ~NOVEL, YOU WALK, WAY TO F--~ Black square trips and falls over on themself. "OH MY GOSH, ARE YOU OKAY??" ~Yeah... I'm fine...~ Black Square gets up and dusts themselves off. "Please, be more careful next time..." ~No promises.~ Me and Black Square laugh, and we make our way inside the school. ~Hey... By the way, why do you always wear long-sleeved shirts?~ Black Square questioned. I panic, "It's just so cold for me, okay!" ~It's still summer, Novel.~ "...Whatever, I wear what I want to." I walk into my class, without saying 'bye' to Black Square, I sit down at the end of the row of seats and sigh, waiting for our teacher to walk in. A guy with green hair turned to me. "Yo dipshit." They said. "Hi, Aggression..." "What's wrong? You feeling a wittle bluee?~" They sarcastically teased. "Oh, shut up, and go pester someone else." 

They slapped me across the face and turned away as the teacher walked in, I rub my cheek and look at my teacher. She always wears this purple visor, and wants us to call her 'god.' I don't mind though. "You guys can just have a free period, I don't give a fuck." Everyone shot up in glee and took out their phones, Aggression walked out of the classroom.



The speaker ringed, and the principal (who should be the principal..? ah whatever, unii can, he's the oldest.) started to talk. 

"All students are not allowed to move to their next hour until Black Square is taken to the hospital."


Without thinking, I bolt out of the room and run to the crime scene up ahead. Black Square's body was stabbed several times and their duct-tape was ripped off their mouth. The words '-A' were written in blood across the lockers.



I wake up in shock, as it was all a dream. A wave of relief hit me and I get ready for school. I walk down the stairs, only to see OSO wasn't here. She probably just left me, she always does that. I walk out and start to walk to school.

Black Square wasn't there.

I start to get worried, was it not a dream? No, it has to be a dream...



I walk into my classroom, and everyone shoots daggers at me. Did I do something..? I anxiously sit at my desk and everyone whispers to each other. Holly turns to me and says "Sorry for your loss." 


. (guys i am so fucking lazy please help)

I get home, OSO is still gone. I walk up to my room and enter my bathroom. I stared at myself, tears forming. I burst into tears, and I grab a sharp, clean knife.

My hands shake, and my tears get thicker. I keep thinking about Black Square, and how they were literally my only friend. Nothing can make me feel better. No one can make me feel better.

I plunge the knife straight into myself, and fall over, dropping the knife.



"Hey, Novel? I--" OSO stared at the dead body. "...Well finally, this chapter sucked cock."

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