Chapter One - Central City

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You live in Star City as an avarage human being that minds her own business. Since you were kid you seemed to yourself underrated by people around and were forced to start acting like a normal girl cause you were more interested in danger and things that police was doing, science (which wasn't that bad but still wierd in your family's eyes). As time ran, you accepted fact that your family filled with castle ladies don't want you to walk the way you would like to. They were strict and fact that you wanted to be a scientist or work for police was unacceptable. You were mad at them. Who woudn't be? However you didn't dare not to listen because even you started to think that it was the best for you. But you still had that interest in danger in you and never lost it.

This morning was supposed to be casual like every morning every new day of your adult life. As soon as you hit eighteen a few months ago you moved away to a fancy apartment near the police station, so you can admire their everyday job wondering what it's like to wear that west with gold badge laying perfectly in your soft hand, arrest bad guys and enjoy the dead in their eyes that says 'as soon as i get out of here, i'll kill you.'

You got yourself of bed, legs first on ground, then you stood up to a new day. Strips of light laying on ground welcomed you as every morning. You noticed that this shining morning smelled really wierd. Did I forget on something? You said to yourself trying to remember whole yesterday hoping you will find answers but no. This feeling was eating you. You didn't remember what so important you have to do. And then you saw it. Oh, you silly. Star Labs is turning the particle accelerator on today! Poped in your head when you turned around and saw a picture of Star Labs in TV with some white text. You didn't have your glasses so you don't know what it says. However the only thing you need to know now is when arrives your train to Central City. How could i forget something like this?! You were so excited on this event.

You stopped in a middle of your way out the door right in front of one of your great pictures of your whole family, looking straight in your mother's eyes. She wouldn't like it. You looked at her then you checked clothes you jumped in today. Quite bigger black shoes with yelling white laces. Expecting ripped jeans and white shirt? You werent that type of girl. You had comfortable light pink and long pants with white shirt and salmon light sweater. How disappointing.. you heard her voice in your head. You smiled as you turned back on door and walked through them, then got yourself out of building and continued in your everyday routine when you go to work. Except that part with work, throw that away. You took a day off. As you already sat in train you knew you're going to miss Harrison Wells and his speech. Ah damn. You admired his work and what was he doing. You crossed angrily legs and leaned on window. Train was leaving station and soon Star City too. You were passing trees, more trees and other train before yours stopped in Central City. By that time, Harrison Wells was already slowly stepping on stage in front of Star Labs and his audience. You rushed to that place but late. Man in his fancy black suit and glasses was already leaving. But in last second he turned head on audience and scanned them closely with eyes like he didn't have time before. He stopped on you for some reason, he looked kinda shocked. Why was that? You asked yourself like you know the answer but you didn't. You were trapped in thoughts so you didn't notice a man with black mask on head carrying a gray bag. He slammed into you so you backed a few steps then another man was following him. A thief! You thinked. But your other side didn't do anything. Guess when it comes to danger you may overrate yourself. What if he has a gun? Yeah, i can't risk that. You commanded to yourself and hid another part of your brave side, just like your mother. Don't you dare think of that! You are a woman! You heard her voice again. Not like her advices came sometimes in handy - they were like trauma that constantly followed you. Like she is all the time with you even she is now under ground a few years. Her upbringing was not fun. All you heard was her angry voice commanding you and telling you what woman you need to be.

It didn't take too long and you were lost in memories and thoughts again. A storm woke you up. Wait. A storm? Reporter said it will not affect accelerator but a few moments later it turned out to be a lie. A massive explosion completely filled sky above Star Labs with orange and yellow light and a lightning that seemed to hit ground or something metal, but instead it hit you.

All this was a lie? (Eobard Thawne x reader)Where stories live. Discover now