Chapter Four - A job

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This city is something different. Something you want to explore and that's why you want to stay here for a bit. But before you could do something, a streak ran just past you and the following wind took you with him. Wind brought a newspaper and the first page was by someone called Iris West - "THE STREAK." Wait, that was him. The man who kicks criminal's asses. But there was one moment when the man was passing, everything was slowed down and you could see his red suit, yellow lightning before you remembered that night when lightning like that stroke you. He sad the same in you, he clearly saw a yellow spark in your eyes.

"When i want to stay here, I should get a job!" You said back in that hotel room. You work for specific lab in Star City and finding another job with science in it is not that hard. "I'm sure star labs would welcome some help!"

It's been three months, star labs is doing pretty weird stuff but you couldn't figure out what was going on. You found a new place to live, a job at star labs, everything was just fine.

You were waiting for the elevator to get down on your floor with some papers in hands but then someone wheeled next to you. H-Harrison?

"G-Good mornin." You said. He looked up and smiled. It was more of a smirk.

"Hello, (l/n), how's your day?"

Oh god, oh god, what do I say?! "It's good, thank you." You hear elevator open its door, walk right in leaving some space for Harrison in his wheel chair, he wheels in.

All this was a lie? (Eobard Thawne x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt