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byeol minju ⬅️

yohan threw my hands away from his as soon as we stepped off the bus. i pouted and looked at him, all sulky. "hey you could've let go of my hands slowly you idiot!" i barked. "would've apologized if you asked politely."

i loudly scoffed at his retort. "whatever asshat" i walked away, leaving him standing there with his eyes rolling. darn he's really annoying sometimes. scratch that─ he's always annoying. ugh whatever let's not think about that waste of meat anymore. i quickly shoved the thoughts behind my head and continue walking towards my locker.

i don't really have friends, i mean, i do have friends but i'm not close to anyone. oh how i would do anything to approach someone and make close friends. but i'm an introvert, i'll never do that. but you're probably wondering, how i had the guts to approach kim yohan, the school's heartthrob? uh, i don't know?? he's just really different, i guess? he just has this vibe where you can gradually get close to him with arguments.

rambling about yohan is always the first thing i do during school. i guess it's a habit since first year. anyways, after taking all the stuff i need from my locker, i went to first period. the classroom was already filled and i'm not used to walking into class with lots of people already chit chatting since i always come early. i looked around and went to my assigned seat which might be cliché, right beside the window at the very back.

the teacher wasn't here yet so i took the time to take a nap since, well i only slept for two hours last night. i put my forehead on the table while i keep my hands on my lap. not a very good position but i guess that's the least i can do so i don't get my hair ruined.

just as i was about to pass out, someone nudged my arm lightly. what the fuck, i'm trying to sleep for pete's sake. i groaned in frustration as i look up to the person who just ruined my nap. "what?" it was my tablemate, yunseong. "uhh, well.." he pointed to the door, revealing kim yohan leaning against the door frame while the girls look at him with heart eyes and some are even squealing disgusting 'kyaaas'.

"what the hell is he even doing here?" i asked yunseong. "it seems like he's looking for you. he kinda pointed at you as soon as he opened the door.. with his lips.." he explained. i kinda snorted at what he said at the end. poor innocent boy

"but why?" the pouting boy only shrugged and went back to his group of friends to continue whatever they were dicussing about. sighing, i hesitantly stood up and went to him, lightly tapping some of the tables along the way.

"what is it?" he gave me his backpack. i looked at it and back at him with a '???????' look. he sighed. "we switched backpacks."

oh. i took the backpack he was holding and checked the zipper at the front pocket. it's my olaf marimong! i must've accidentally carried his backpack off the bus since he told me to hold it while he was standing and mine wasn't clung into my shoulders when i sat at the bus! i just noticed we had similar backpacks which was black with red stripes.

"oi, are you just gonna stand there or you're gonna get my backpack?" i snapped out of my thoughts and quickly went to bring his backpack. "why didn't you tell me earlier?!" he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "because you were all sulky and decided to walk away too fast even before i get to chase you? and you were being too loud as soon as we got off he bus." he rambled.

"well, i guess that's kind of true.. but whatever! you ruined my nap. you need to treat me for lunch." his eyebrows crashed together. "bu-"

"the teacher's coming! you better go to your own class!" i cut him before he even get to say 'but' and pushed him out the door. phew. i then went back to my seat and continued my nap.


lmao sorry about the end idk how to end it agahagaagaga. but anyways, this chapter is kinda boring so i'm sosososososo sorry, this was the best i can get from my dumb pea sized brain. but happy reading <3

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