Chapter 14

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After a night of nearly no sleep, I wake up to Liz singing in my ear.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Emily! Happy birthday to you! Good morning sleepy head! You're eighteen today!"

I roll over and pull the blankets over my head. I just want a few hours of real sleep.

"Emily," she says in a softer tone. "I know you probably still don't feel good, but you do still need to get up and go to class and work. Plus, you have a date tonight."

"Iss noda date," I mumble into my pillow.

"I'm just saying: he invited you to dinner on your birthday, and it'll be just the two of you all by yourself. That doesn't sound like just hanging out to me, especially since you've already been on one date with him."

"He doesn'know iss my birthday," I slur, shifting to get more comfortable.

"You sure?" she asks, a mischievous grin apparent in her voice.

I roll over to see her holding an envelope with my name on the front in Beau's messy handwriting.

I reach for the envelope, waking up some. "Whass 'at?"

"Oh, just a note from your boyfriend, but I guess since it's not actually a date, it can't possibly be that important," she says, mockingly logical.

"He's not my boyfriend," I state, reaching for the envelope.

"Oh, then it's even less important than I thought," she exclaims in false innocence, pulling the envelope away from me.

"Give me the letter."

She giggles and hands me the envelope.

I pull the note out of the already opened envelope and start to read after glaring at Liz for having already read it.


Happy birthday! I want this to be a special day for you, so I've made some arrangements. Unfortunately, that means I can't come pick you up like I promised. And really, I couldn't have come down to the girls' dorms anyway with the Techies that watch the elevators. So, instead of me picking you up, meet me by the front doors of the school at six. Wear something warm. I'll see you soon.


"It's not a date." I roll over and pull the blankets back over my face, stuffing the letter under my pillow.

"Em, you have Calc at 8:30. It's 8 right now. You have to get up," Liz tells me, her tone soft again.

"I don't want to."

"But you need to. Come on," she coerces, slowly prying the blankets away from me. "I know you don't want to right now, but you'll thank me for it later, I promise."

"Strong words from someone who doesn't have class until after lunch today," I reply grumpily, sitting up in my bed and rubbing my eyes.

Liz helps me out of bed and picks out a comfy outfit while I get ready. In fifteen minutes, she's shuffling me out the door. "When you get out of class, let me know," she calls after me, hanging on the doorframe in her PJs.

*** *** ***

My classes drag by, the minutes seeming to struggle through molasses. I don't really pay much attention in class. I'm really only here because Liz made me come. I was planning on skipping. Not soon enough, it's lunch time.

I message Liz, 'Out of class. Getting lunch with Myles and co.'

Then I send a message to Kara. 'I have Chem at noon and a shift in the closet from 1-3. After that I'm done for the day until 6 if you want to hang out.'

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