~C8: The New Cimorelli~

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~2 months ahead~
June 15th, 2014

Christinas POV

Today is Dani's Birthday! She turns 15 today! Mackie has been with us for 3 months now and Nick and I both couldn't be any happier.  Today were doing a video with all of the family, then where doing a family birthday party for Dani. Dani spends almost every other day with us and Mackie, since Dani and Mackie forgave eachother they've gotten so close! Welp time for the video!
"Hey I'm Mike"

"I'm Christina"

"I'm Katherine"

"I'm Lisa"

"Im Amy"

"I'm Alex"

"I'm Lauren"

"Im Dani"

"I'm Nick"

"Im Christian"

"I'm Mackie"

"And Im Joey"

"And where Cimorelli!"

"And today we have special guest my mom and dad Lynne and Mike and my husband Nick." I said.

"Today were going to be doing a family tag and answering questions for you guys." Katherine said.

"We asked you all on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #AskCimorelli for you questions." Amy said.

"Okay so the first question is who is Mackenzie?" Lauren asked and I looked at Mackie.

"Well hi I'm Mackenzie or Mackie, I'm 11 years old and I'm the daughter of Christina and Nick Reali, I was adopted 3 months ago and it's just me my mom and my dad well If you count Dani and Lauren they're basically  my sisters. I'm not in the band but I sing and play piano, my mom taught me how to play. But that's really it other then that I'm a dancer and a vlogger, and I love to read and write." Mackie said.

"The next question asks #AskCimorelli who is the closest in the family?" Lisa read.

"So first of all for sisters, Kathy Lisa and I are super close Lauren and Amy and Dani are close because of age, and Lauren, Dani and Mackie are super close, then Dani and Lauren and Mackie are super close to me." I said.

"The next question asks #AskCimorelli, this one is for Mackie, what styles of dance do you take and do you complete?" I said to Mackie.

"Yes, I do compete, I also take jazz, Tap, Hiphop and contemporary." Mackie replied.

"The next question asks does Mackenzie have social Media? And the answer is no, Mackenzie won't be in the public eye as much besides when she dances." I said to the camera.

"Well guys that's all we have for you guys today, We Love The CimFam! Bye!" I shut off the camera and I ended the video.


We were all gathered in the living room for gifts and presents for Dani.

"Okay everyone, lets start with Mom and Dads gifts first." I said and mom and dad handed bags to Dani, Lauren, and Mackenzie.

"Okay, this is a joint gift, so you can all open it." Mom said.

"Really Mom! We're going to Disney!" Dani said. Mom nodded.

"Thanks Grandma! I can't wait!" Mack said.

"Can't Wait mom!" Lauren said.

*** 3:00 pm

We finished gifts and we went to do cake.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Danielle

Happy birthday to you

"Hey Dan and well Lauren?" I asked.

"Are you staying with us tonight?" I asked, they nodded.

"Okay, where going to have a bunch of fun! Can't wait!" I said.


We finished eating cake and everyone was leaving so we said are goodbyes and cleaned up.


Everyone was asleep besides me, I couldn't believe how great life was!

Mackenzies POV
Never new how crazy life could get after being a orphan for most of my life, then being adopted by my idols. Now when people ask me "who's your family?" I can respond with "I'm A Cimorelli"

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