Chapter 5

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You wake up ready to start the day by stretching and waking up Volbix.


You walk over to a random note left on the floor.

Went to buy something be back soon.

You sigh.

"Guess I'll roam around while I wait."

You walk deeper into the nearby forest wandering, hoping to find something interesting. You stumble upon a random cave. You hear this urging call, Pulling you farther into the cave.You see that your F/C necklace is glowing a bright white, blinding to anyone without eyes like yours.

You stop in front of four stone statues. Letters were under the arm of one of the statues. It said . .

Thy male or female that lurks these caves and finds the crown. Shall become ruler and all will bow down. . If thy is not worthy of the crown, They will be cursed to drown.

You gulped down your nervousness.

" I-I can do this. . I can d-do this."

You hear a yell from the other end of the cave. Volbix runs up to you trying to stop you by biting your tail.

"Bad Volbix!"

You yank your tail away and continue walking, leaving Volbix behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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