Chapter Five

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Authors note: okay, I've got a good schedule. I upload when I wake up and before I go to sleep. I am writing for half an hour to an hour each night to get two chapters ready for the next day. So after I've uploaded this I'm going to write tomorrow's chapters. Hope you are enjoying and I will try to keep this regular schedule.

Grace's POV

"Shall I call Mamrie?" I asked Hannah
"Yeah but she'll have to come here; we're hammered."
"You're right - I'll invite her round. Gimme a sec." I got my phone out and pressed 2 (I have her on speed dial.)
She picked up in seconds "Wassup?" Mamrie asked through the phone.
"Was wondering what you were up to?" I replied
"Nothing. Why?"
"Do you wanna come hang out with me and Hannah?"
"We're at Hannah's. Oh and bring alcohol - we're drunk - don't want to to feel left out."
"Okay, see you in half an hour?"
"Sounds good, Mames. Bye."
I hung up. And told Hannah that Mamrie would be here in half an hour. We went to get cleared up from the mess that we got on our clothes from MDK. I went in the bathroom and Hannah changed in her bedroom.

Hannah's POV

I had finished getting dressed and went to knock on the bathroom door.
"You dressed babe?"
"Almost." Grace replied to me through the door.
"Okay I am pretty much ready for Mames to come round."
"I am ready." Grace said as she stepped out of the bathroom. I stood and stared at her in awe. She looked like a sex goddess.
"What? Do you not like what I am wearing? Hannah? Hannah? Earth to Hannah?"
"S-sorry. What?"
"Quit staring ya buttface." She said as she passed me.
I was blushing. I didn't realise how long I had been staring.

Grace's POV

I just buttoned up my jeans and I open the bathroom door.
"I am ready." I say to Hannah. She doesn't reply. She was staring at me. I was wearing a low cut top. Oops. She seemed a bit distracted.
"What? Do you not like what I am wearing? Hannah? Hannah? Earth to Hannah?" I said mockingly. I saw her cheeks go pink and she seemed very out of it. I walked passed her and sat in the living room. She joined me. Just sitting. We didn't talk and we just sat in silence, cuddling. Time had flown and it was twenty minutes later and the doorbell brought us back to life.
"I'll get it." Hannah said as she jumped up and went to the door. I stood up to go join her.

Authors note: okay I think this was an okay length. I know the length varies but I am trying to keep them quite long but I do have a limited amount of time so sorry if some chapters are shorter that others. Bye x

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