It's me again...but zombies???

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...Did you know having bridesmaids in a wedding wasn't originally for moral support? They were intended to confuse evil spirits or those who wished to harm the bride.

˜˜˜HELLO˜˜˜  I didn't know how to intro this chapter (You: "But Bob, you always say you have no idea what to do for every chapt-" THAT'S BECAUSE I PERPETUALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! DON'T QUESTION ME FOOL.)

Anyway˜ I thought I'd list a random fact in my weird brain. You are the most welcome.

Now, I shall explain why the title mentions zombies. Alas, no,  I did not draw a bunch of flesh-eating monsters.... BUT MORE OC'S!!!!! HA you thought you could escape...

NEVER troglodytes.

Okay, I will attempt not to bore ya'll. So basically, GeneralPretzel, elarinya_alasiel, Flappadoodle and I kind of are writing a story together. (Heaven knows if it will ever actually be completed. Probably not if my procrastinating butt face is involved.) And it is an interesting take on the whole apocalypse genre, and I genuinely love it. It's more The Hunger Games Sci-Fi esque than The Walking Dead. The characters are beans and its a fun story.

Enough of me bragging about a story with barely any chapters written.


Again, some are old and some are newer so give me grace. (Also my character changes design ever so slightly like 10000 times so whoops) 


These are the four main protags that the story alternates between POV wise.

Left to right: Bellona (General Pretzel's slightly murder-y bebe), Bolts (MY SASS CHILD), Cadis (Elarinya's depresso sweet bean), and Shantaa (Flappadoodle's rebellious cult muffin...ignore that cult part...) !!!!!!!!! TADA! *jazz hands*

Disclaimer: I don't have a great grasp on what their characters look like so many liberties were taken... SOOO I may be completely off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

 SOOO I may be completely off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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