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I wake up to a beautiful morning you know I'm laying in bed the sun is hitting my face and just kidding

I'm actually in the bathroom crying again why you may ask well when I woke up this morning I look down and my ring is gone

That ring was very important because it was one of the first ring daddy got for me and it was gone where the fuck did it go

I was very upset that ring meant so much to me and it was gone how I always wear it and I never lose it I mean if I haven't lost it for 3 years how did I lose it all of a sudden

So I'm here ugly crying this trip is not going as peaceful as I thought I come out of the bathroom go to the room I was in earlier before daddy came and talked to me and I check the bed

I see something shiny and it's my ring I go to pick up my ring and it slips out of my hand and it rolls into a crack and falls into the water (i know a very Kim Kardashian moment)

OH NO NO NO COME BACK, I yell as if my ring was going to come back hopefully I didn't wake up Juggie I put on a bathing suit I was going to get my ring back

I finished putting on my bathing suit and I go outside

Here goes nothing, I whisper to myself and I jump into the water and since it was 7 in the morning the water is still cold

OH MY GOD, I scream since it's freezing

I mange to dive underwater and I open my eyes I start going to the bottom searching for it I go back up for air and go back down

I find it I quickly grab it I also found my necklace I lost last year down there how ironic but I quickly make my way back up for air

I start swimming faster since I keep running out of air and when I get to the top I start coughing but I'm fine I look up to see Juggie

Hey Juggie, I say

"Hmm what are you doing down there", he says

I'll explain once I get dried, I say and put my ring on and go dry myself off with a towel

"So care to explain" he says

Well this morning I woke up without my ring and ran to the bathroom and started crying but then I went looked in the room where all my stuff is and I found it I got it and it slipped out of my hand and fell down a crack into the water I put on my swim suit jumped in and got my ring and I found my necklace, I say

"We could have replaced it the ring baby" he says

Well it was special to me the one you first gave me, I say

"Oh it's ok baby I get it now come on get dressed we are going hiking" he says

Ok, I reply I put on a swimsuit and a pair of shorts with my Chanel sneakers after that I put my hair in a messy bun I packed my mini backpack with my 21 ounce water bottle and sunscreen and hair ties and a snack for Juggie and my phone after we continued to go hiking

We were half way there Juggie and I have been here so many times we know the trail

So Juggie, I say

"Yea princess" he says

When can I go see my dad, I say

"Um I don't know when do you want to",he says

Not sure I just want to see him, I say

"Maybe after our trip I'll get you a plane and you can go see him" he says

What about you, I say

"I can't come baby I have a lot of work but one day I'll go see your dad I love spending time with him", he says

Billion dollars baby (bughead story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora