Are you okay?

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[Trigger warning: Roman being high af]

<Patton's POV>

I got to the party and started walking around with Virgil nearby. Eventually I lost him, and while I was looking I saw someone. "Jeremy!" I yell waving at him. "Oh my gosh Patton?!" I run over and we start talking.

"Since when do you go here?" He asked. "I just moved from another college, my last one just wasn't working out" I said.

I continued talking to him for a little bit.

<Logan's POV>

I arrived at the party and Roman immediately ran off somewhere, which in all honesty isn't unlike him. I went to look for anyone I might know. I see Patton, wearing an adorable beach outfit might I add, talking to someone so I decided to let him be. Is Virgil here? I look around and after a minute I see someone wearing a hoodie sitting on one of the benches alone. I can't fully see their face but I know it's him. He's sitting on top of the bench, why not just sit on the seat. The crazy ways people sit. Should I go over there? He seems lonely but would I do anything? He doesn't seem to notice my staring but the more I look at him the more I feel bad. At a glance I didn't see him slightly hunched over. I didn't notice how tense his shoulders were. He was hiding his face but still looking around with his hands on the table, and it almost looked like he was squeezing it as hard as he could with how white his knuckles were.

This immediately made me feel even worse, and that made me walk over. I didn't know what I was going to say, but I needed to at least try and make a conversation.

He seemed to notice me walking over and sat up a little. I gave a small wave and he waved back. I go over and sit by him, not really knowing what to say. Ugh this is awkward- "Not really the party type are you?" I say trying to break the silence. He shrugged and said, "parties are stupid" his voice quiet and soft.

"I don't understand what's so great about them" I replied. He nodded in agreement. After about a minute, he said still quiet, "you don't have to sit with me if you don't want to" while fidgeting with the bottom of his hoodie sleeve.

"I'd rather sit with you than anyone else. Much like you I don't enjoy going crazy."

<Roman's POV>

The party was going great! I saw a bunch of my friends, but I was looking for someone in particular.


I ran over to him. If anyone would help, it was him.

"Heyyyyy Roman"

"So I'm gonna get right into it, did you bring any?" He looked at me and led me to a room. "Here it is, why?"

I just wanted to get high and forget about Remus and everything else for a while.

<Virgil's POV>

Logan and I were talking for a little bit, well he was doing most of the talking. Roman walked over giggling like a 5 year old.

"It's antisocial weird dudeeeee" ouch.

"Roman are you high?" Logan asked annoyed.

"Maybe" he replied. I know he's high but ouch.

I didn't know what to do. "I-i should probably go" I started walking away when Roman said, "so you can talk" and he started giggling again. "Pleaseee stay" He said.

I stayed sitting there and he was just talking about random things. I wasn't really listening until he said, " you know what Remus did was kinda funny" and he giggled. "What would happen if I did that?"

(Sorry but we got a cliffhanger, I'll update soon!

Lost and found [sanders sides au] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt