-why am i like this-

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<3rd person>

There was two days until classes started. Everyone was worried, but in different ways. Logan was worried about having to do a lot of collaboration for his classes, since he prefers to work alone. Roman was worried his classes would be too hard or too much to handle. Patton was worried about failing his classes, since he hated feeling dumb. And of course, Virgil was just worried in general.

"Let's make these last few days as relaxing as possible!" Patton said. It had been a few days since Virgil broke down, and Patton was worried about his mental, and physical health.

Virgil had been through a lot in the last few years, and he was having a hard time dealing with all of it. Patton has known Virgil for 4 years, but they got closer more recently.

Logan had always enjoyed alone time, but he actually prefers being around people he knows, which is a surprise to most. Roman loves being social whenever he can, but sometimes he just needs to be alone. Logan and Roman have known each other for about 8 years, and they got much closer in midway through high school.

Patton wanted to be a pharmacist, so he was going to get a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. He was also minoring in Phycology. Logan was always fascinated by the environment and space so he was majoring in chemical engineering but also studying astronomy and physics. Roman wasn't fully sure what he wanted to do, but for now he was majoring in video game design and he wants to minor in theatre. Virgil, much to many people's surprise, was majoring in aerospace engineering. People would often assume he was wasn't that smart, which bothers him but he tries to not let it get to him.

Currently, each of them were preparing for classes, again in very different ways. 

"What the hell am I doing?" Virgil asked. "LANGUAGE" Patton yelled jokingly. Virgil laughed a little bit. "Seriously, what the hell am I doing?"

He was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, and Patton came and sat down. "What do you mean kiddo?"

Virgil sighed. "I mean, how am I gonna handle this? I'm really not that smart, and I'm just gonna fail and prove it."

<Patton's POV>

"Prove what?" Although I know exactly what he's talking about. He's going to prove that he can't handle college, just like a bunch of people think. I think he can do it, wait no I don't. I KNOW he can do it.

"Prove that I'm not normal enough to live like a human." Oh, that's one way to put it. "None of us are normal kiddo"

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "But your close enough that people think you are, people think I'm... a weirdo" the last words quiet.

"Who cares what people think?"

"...I care. I know I shouldn't and it doesn't matter, but I care. It's stupid, but my logic's stupid" he said the last part with a weak smile.

Ok I can't handle seeing people like this, it makes me sad. I do what anyone should do, and just hugged him. He barely flinched this time, that's good! We just sit in comfortable silence, but it's good. He's even hugging back, but is that good? I don't know if that's a good or bad thing-


I should probably get that. I let go of Virgil, who I just now noticed isn't hugging me anymore, and walked over to the door.

( Ah omg I haven't posted in sooooo long. Sorry about that but I have a project for school I've had to do and it's in a group, so guess who's been doing all of the work bc I know what I'm doing...
ANYWAYS hopefully I update again soon 💚💚💚

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