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I am an outcast, to be honest. Not in a way that I am in a fantasy movie where I play the main heroine or the villain with superpowers. Also not in a teenage drama with popular girls bullying me for being a homeschooled nerd.

On the contrary, the Populars are my best friends. Does it make me one of the popular girls in our school too? Well, I don't know.

Being popular means being in the hall of fame corner because you join extracurricular activities to showcase talents, intelligence, and leadership to represent the school and the A+ section. The Aster Class. It's the same section from the first year to the senior year. The only difference is the suffix, like "Aster-freshmen" or "Aster-senior". That means being popular is not just sitting pretty or waving like a pageant queen, being a spoiled rich kid, or having a football captain as a boyfriend.

Since entering high school, I don't care about being an Aster. Not until junior year, when Victoria sweeps her way into the class to take my place.

It all starts with an interview.

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