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piece #412 | SECOND GRADE

Bennett won't leave me alone. He now sits behind me, but he won't stop looking at me. It's annoying. Boys are annoying. And gross. And have cooties.

I felt a piece of a Chicklet brand gum on my hand, along with a scrap of paper. Bennett had scribbled in his signature messy handwriting,

Hi. :)

I didn't know how to reply, so I just wrote,


From the corner of my eye, I noticed his usual goofy grin. He scratched something on the paper and handed it back. It said,

What, giving me the cold shoulder?

I had to admit, his grammar skills had quickly improved, but he wasn't any less obnoxious. I didn't respond until he kicked me from behind. Miss Collins caught him and sent him to the "dunce" chair.

I knew I probably shouldn't have smiled, but I did. He stuck his tongue out at me, so it was only fair if I returned the expression to him. We began making faces at each other, until Miss Collins threatened to send me to the "dunce" chair, too. Bennett looked satisfied.

It's not my fault he gets me in trouble all time!

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