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Gum: #1,962 | NINTH GRADE


One of the most anticipated, feared, and thrilling part of a teenager's life.

A year to start fresh, become a new person and try to restart. If you were a 'loser' in Middle School, don't give now, you will probably be with people you don't know! (Unless you live in a small town... Then that must suck for you.)

But for me, I will stay low and hide from all the hormonal teenagers and addictive (in the bad way.) drugs. Go Meghan! Thanks mom and dad for raising me up somewhat good!

Stereotype? Wallflower. Am I good at it? Not really.

Even though I wasn't wearing flashy or inappropriate clothing, many eyes seemed to be locked to me. It was creepy, actually. As much as I tried to stick in the shadows, eyes seemed to find me. I guess it was just high school, people always staring and judging. I hated it, it made me feel like I was undressed or something.

"Nessa!" I found my best friend and wrapped my arms around her.

"I missed you all summer!" Vanessa told me. I admired her auburn locks that looked perfectly curled. Her almond-shaped, grey eyes sparkled. Her natural freckles were something she hated, but I absolutely loved them.

"How was France? Meet any guys in the 'City of Love'?" I asked over dramatically. I wasn't envious that their family was rich and went on an annual trip to somewhere across the globe, at all.

Okay, I am a really bad liar. I am completely jealous.

"Sadly, no." Vanessa frowned and sniffed. I laughed at her and her strange obsession for boys. Honestly, I could care less. She turned around and smirked. "Hey look, what a coincidence. Here comes your lover." She teased me. I sighed and whipped around.

"What do you want, now?" I asked the blonde haired boy in front of me.

"No need to be rude, I was just saying hi to my Megs." I rolled my eyes as he smirked at me.

"Hey, Bennett." Vanessa greeted politely. Bennett looked at her as if she magically materialized out of thin air.

"What? Oh, uh, hi. Didn't see you there." I punched Bennett's arm when I saw a wave of hurt flash across Vanessa's face. I was pretty sure Vanessa had a "thing" for Bennett. But then again, she had a crush on a lot of guys. She looked mad, and stomped off to her class. Sadly, we weren't in every class together. We only had two classes and lunch together.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Bennett said, rubbing his hurt arm and looking daggers at me. I smiled innocently and batted my eyelashes. Bennett rolled his eyebrows and handed me a piece of gum. I shook my head and said,

"Bennett, seriously, you don't have to give me gum. I have tons extra, and they're all going bad--"

"No. A promise is a promise. You've done your part - well, sorta - and so this is me doing mine." I smiled, gushing at his sweetness. So yeah, I haven't been a very loyal friend all the time, but Bennett always has.

"Thanks. Although I don't know how I'm going to eat all that gum stashed in my closet.." Bennett chuckled, following me to our class. Somehow we usually get almost all, if not all, of our classes together. Even if I wore a sign saying, 'troublemaker when with Bennett Layne', we'd still be together. We sat by each other and both zoned out from Mr. Lee's lecture.

At class, Bennett slipped a piece of paper on my desk. It read,

Most. Boring. Teacher. EVER!!

I scribbled back quickly,

I don't think I've ever agreed with you as much as I do now.

A few seconds later he replied,

Can I ask you something... kinda serious?

I'd never thought you'd ask that. Okay, shoot.

Go out with me..?

My mouth gaped at his shocking note. Sure, I went out to the eighth grade dance with him, but go out on a date? I can't believe he would--

"Ms. Hart? Mr. Layne? This is high school now, no goofing off during class. Same," He turned to two students snogging each other in the back. They both turned around and blushed furiously. "goes to the rest of you."

Bennett turned to me with pleading eyes. What could I say to him? Yes, but possibly break my heart? Or no, and possibly break his? 

The bell rang, and I began collecting my books and clearing my desk. Before I did, I wrote on the note and slipped it into his hands. I rushed off, before he could give me an answer.

I can't.

After I did that, I realized I just lost my closest friend and my daily gum supplier.

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