The Party

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Narrator perspective:

It was late at night and the music was still pumping through the speakers, drunk people either dancing like those dancing inflatable balloon things or crashed on the floor. One woman in her 20s was 'dancing' and 'singing', she had been invited out with her friends for a birthday celebration.

"Ughhh!" She slumped herself down onto a rouge chair, moaning and groaning because of a headache brewing. She whipped out her phone and called 'Shayne Topp' on her contacts; "Hello, Courtney you there?" A guy called out from her phone, she replied not as flawless as she expected "hellooo- you. Yooour my fave pizza place!" She snickered down the phone while letting out a few hiccups. "Okay, I'll pick you up again. Are you at the usual place?" He spoke once again with a sigh, this wasn't her first time calling him.

Not too long after a man around the same age as her, arrived it was the guy on the phone. He walked around the place and found a blonde woman with her arms stretched across a table, he tapped her on the shoulder before helping her walk out of the bar.

 A few moments later

Shayne's POV:

Once again here I am picking up Courtney from another pub, people need to stop inviting her to all these events, definitely not good for her to be getting drunk like this. I looked behind in the back of the car where she was snoring like a dog, I'm going to have to cancel going out tomorrow with Damien. She's going to have another bad hangover...

With a jingle of my keys I opened the door of my car and my house, I pulled Courtney out of the car and placed her hand over my shoulders and placed my arm around her. We walked in and struggled up the stairs, placing her on the bed. I had decided to let her sleep on my bed, I'll sleep on the couch, she needs a good nights sleep anyways.
[Text Message: Damien]
Shayne: Hey, sorry I won't be able to go out tomorrow. I have Drunkney with me.

       Damien: Ah! That's a shame, well I guess we could go out some other time. You're a good friend you know?

Shayne: Oh! Hah. Thanks, dude. Your an amazing friend too!

        Damien: No, dude. I mean the way you take care of Courtney is so considerate, you are an amazing guy. Good on you!

Shayne: Ah, well I learn from the best, dude.

          Damien: Thanks, man. Well, you better get to sleep, big day tomorrow. Hope she doesn't get a bad hangover...  See you!

Shayne: Yeah, see you!

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