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Shayne's POV:

We sat down and watched a couple of films together, Courtney had finished her soup not too long before. I picked up the remote to turn off the TV while doing so my shoulder began to feel warm. It was Courtney she had fallen asleep, by the look of things. My heart started beating faster than ever, I was surprised she hadn't heard it, and woken up!

As the movie went on I was struggling with not accidentally waking her up by any movements but, I had to get up somehow to save myself from having some sort of a heart attack. Taking a deep breath I tried placing my bad behind her head to lay her down while getting up but...

"Uh!?" Courtney woke up and looked straight at me before she sprung up with a slight tinted red face. "What just happened?! Did I fall asleep?!" She blurted her words out, and without a word I nodded. "I-uh I'm going to get us a drink... tea? Or coffee?" I needed a way to get out of that predicament and so, I used the obvious exit. "Uh...coffee please..."

Without any other words I rushed into the kitchen and it all sunk in... I think...I'm...

Courtney's POV:

After the embarrassing situation I encountered I felt weak, my heart... couldn't keep quiet. I can't keep quiet about my feelings forever... perhaps I should tell him. It won't be easy though. It could ruin what we have already, perhaps it's just me who feels this way.

After thinking for a while I decided, I should tell him...but, perhaps not right now...

Few moments later Shayne walked back into the room with our drinks, with a packet of biscuits in the pocket of the hoodie he was wearing. Yeah, cup of coffee and some biscuits can make this feeling ease...right?

As he placed the cups down on the coffee table, he sat beside me and sat there thinking of what to say. "So, the movie...let's continue watching it yeah...?" He placed an awkward smile on his face and I nodded in agreement.

And so the movie did indeed go on, it was quite awkward and I could understand why. I couldn't handle it though, the awkwardness of the situation... "Shayne...I...-" I stopped my own words which left him curiously waiting for the rest, "you what...?" He stared at my face, my heart stared to race again. "I Uh- I like. I like this movie!" Shayne's shoulders dropped a little, and he replied; "oh-yeah me too..."

Maybe I should keep my mouth shut...

(Hi, sorry it's been a while... I've had a creative block for a while and as time went by I almost forgot about this... sorry. I will try to update more!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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