The Hangover Begins!

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Courtney's POV:

I opened my eyes just a crack and got blinded by the light, "agh!" My head started to throb and I already knew. Hangover!
Ting! I heard my phone go off and I tried to reach over for it without looking, I stretched out and rolled over a litt- "Ah!" Thud!

I opened my eyes to see once again, hangover at Shayne's... I'm such an annoyance, poor Shayne having to deal with 'Drunkney' and 'Hangoverney' all the time... I had landed on my hand at an odd position, it hurt really bad when I moved it. It wasn't long until Shayne came rushing upstairs to check on what made the noise.

"Ah- dang it..." I hissed as my wrist hurt once more, "Courtney, you alright?" Shayne helped me up and stared at my wrist, "Does it hurt when I do this?" He pokes my wrist in different spots and then moved it, that's when it began to hurt. I yelped like a dog and he hummed, "That's good, it's only a sprain. Let's get a bandage and a mini-ice pack." I nodded as he walked me to the living room.

After sitting me down on the sofa with loads of pillows, just how I like it, he found the bandage and mini-ice pack then wrapped it around my wrist. I feel so bad how he always wastes his time taking care of me. Why does he do it? He doesn't have to. "Thank you..." I croaked while looking down, "No problem, glad you're alright." He smiled which made me feel even worse.

He turned to walk into the kitchen and I grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Huh? Courtney, you alright?" He spoke with one eyebrow raised. "No, I'm not." Shayne's eyes bolted open and he started to talk but I interrupted him. "Why do you do this?" I asked, my eyes shimmering as I spoke. Why am I about to cry, I don't know I'm just an emotional person.

Shayne walked from behind the couch and sat beside me, sighing and thinking of words to say he took a breath. "I do it because I want to. I want to take care of you." He spoke without stuttering, "W-what? I...uh!" I admittedly got flustered at his words, his face painted red he spluttered "Uh! I mean! I-I uh... that's not what I meant! Well, kind of but not! I mean..." he closed his eyes and took a breath, "what I was meant to say was... because I care about you I didn't want you to have to deal with the feeling alone." Despite him changing the words it still sounded cheesy to me, but I was flustered.

I smiled and started to laugh, Shayne being oblivious at why I was laughing he ignored it and rushed into the kitchen, even though my head was throbbing I was still laughing, only because I wanted to disguise my blushing. I have had a crush on him and maybe I still do, but that doesn't matter. I already know I'm a bit of a nuisance, I hate being annoying even if they say I'm not I know deep down I am, that's why I feel bad.

Narrator POV:

When Shayne had rushed off into the kitchen he hid behind the corner and slid down the wall, clenching his heart and trying to get rid of his pink face. He took a deep breath and walked to the kitchen counters prepping everything to make a chicken noodle soup, luckily all of the heat of the soup was a good excuse for his red face if he needed an excuse.

He finished making the soup and waited for it to be edible rather than being too hot to eat, then placed it onto a tray and walked back into the living room "Here you go, eat up! It will help your hangover." Courtney turned to Shayne bringing in the soup and smiled, "You didn't need to, really. Thank You." he placed the soup on her lap and sat beside her fiddling with the TV remote, trying to find a movie to put on.

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