Chapter 3

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It's been 7 months at least over a year, these monster girls grew, especially that lamia. I forgot her name... * checks the previous chapter *

Y/n:" Saphir, come bere"

Saphir:" Yes dad?"

Y/n:" how was monster school?"

Saphir:" It went good, this boy was flirting with me though..."

Y/n:" that's good, someone loves you"

Saphir:" But I want you to love me"

Y/n:" I do love you"

Saphir:" No.. I mean Wifey material love me"

Y/n:" You're my daughter though..."

Saphir:" you found me and my sisters outside... your not my real dad..."

I opened a beer and started to sip before I looked at her.

Y/n:" I'll drink to that"

I heard a knock at the door, and looked at the window and seen Winona and Taylor at the door, I groaned before I started to stand up and head towards the door.

I answered the door, and seen a crazed smile on Winona's face, Taylor had an unamused look on his face.

Y/n:" what's up?"

Winona:" We just wanted to tell you that... father said our wedding was tomorrow "

Taylor:" Yeah, and also he passed away from unknown reasons"

Y/n:" Really... shit guys... I'm so sorry for your loss..."

Taylor:" it's okay... I knew you'd be here for my sister "

Y/n:" Alright, why?"

Taylor:" I'm going to a different city for a bit, and Winona wants to stay with you for the time being "

Y/n:" W-wedding!"

Taylor:" Sadly... I won't be attending"

Winona:" Yeah, so it will just be you and me tomorrow, okay?"

Y/n:".... That's great... "

I closed the door on both of them quickly.

Y/n:" I need to get out of here! I don't want to be married!!"

Saphir:" Dad! What's going on!"

Y/n:" I need to get out of here! Tomorrow a Psychotic girl wants to marry me! "

Saphir:" Don't worry dad... I have a plan tomorrow... whilst I was at my friend's house, I've met a Dragon Milf when walking home, and she says she wants to settle the score with the mayor of this town "

Y/n:" Really now?"

Saphir:" she said someone had stolen her baby"

I looked at the Teenager Wyvern who was sitting by the fire sleeping, I then looked at Saphir with a half-smile.

Y/n:" I wonder who stole the dragons baby's "

I opened the door and seen that Tay Tay and Winona had walked away, I grabbed an old revolver I had underneath my bed and pointed it at Winona, I was about to pull the trigger until I felt a pair of arms around me, it was the kitsune I had also Adopted.

Y/n:" Do you need something Yusaka?"

Yusaka:" No, I just don't want you to murder anyone... "

Y/n:" it's either I kill her, or she kills you and your sisters... and I'm not about to let that happen Yusaka"

Yusaka:" Me and Ember trust Saphir, and her plans "

Y/n:" alright... "

I closed the door and sighed.

Y/n:" Whatever you're doing Saphir... I hope it works... "

Saphir: it will work, trust me father"

Y/n:" I will be back, I'm just going for a walk"

I was walking towards the door and had placed on my coat, I grabbed a sword and my revolver, and had walked out.

I could feel Saphir's eyes on me, as I walked down the same paths, I found each and every one of my monster daughters.

Y/n:" Maybe I'll get lucky and find a baby hell hound or something-"

I found another baby basket, before I went to go look at it, but when I got a closer look at it, the basket was set ablaze so I backed away and heard crying, I ran back towards the basket and tried to put the fire out, but couldn't, so I picked up the burning basket and had burnt my hand while doing so, but was the burn worth it?

I asked myself before I walked towards the ice-cold water and placed the basket in the water and watched as the fire stopped.

I heard the crying again, so I uncovered the blanket and found a baby hellhound, she was crying, so I picked her up and smiled.

Y/n:" She's so adorable..."

I said as I brought her back to my house, I walked inside and placed her o  my bed while I wrapped my hand up with bandages, I watched her and she was sleeping peacefully.

Saphir:" Dad! There is a baby on your bed! Should I get rid of it!"

Y/n:" Noooooooo!"

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