Before hating on Kpop Idols

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I wanted to be very serious right now about this because I've seen some kpop fans (and antis) being childish and judging other kpop idols because of an invalid reason, so let's jump into that.

Kpop idols are mostly controlled by their agency and they have to follow certain rules on what to do or on what not to do. I've noticed that some haters would call them plastic because of their double eye-lids and their fixed nose but lemme explain, Kpop companies would suggest them to change their appearance by bleaching their skin with lotions and whitening pills and go under the knife but not all kpop idols went under the knife, its either their personal choice of the company's request.

And I've also seen Antis making fun of their weight because they're chubby or they gained a bit or maybe too skinny but lemme explain, Kpop idols are also requested to be on a diet and they should eat lesser, there's this video that I've watched weeks ago about a Japanese trainee who trained on Korea and she only ate one meal a day, which is considered an unhealthy lifestyle as a human. I was actually happy that some idols are gaining some weight and theyre getting healthier this time and the antis need to shut the fuck up because they're humans too.

I've also seen some fans calling out other groups for not writing their own songs and I don't see a problem, why? Because not all musicians knew how to write songs and calling them untalented is stupid because they have to learn the choreography too which is also hard for them and they have to wake up early to practice.

One more thing that I've hate about some kpop fans is about dating. Like please, just let them date, they won't even be your wife/husband (whoever is that lucky person, we support you) and y'all are just being jealous, just because an idol is dating someone doesn't mean that you have to hate on him/her for dating. THEY'RE HUMANS FOR FUCKS SAKE C'MON!!!!! and y'all better not stalk them or you'll end up in prison.

I don't have a problem with some non-kpop fans hating on kpop because we all have opinions in life, hating is fine but its better if we shouldn't spread hate because they've worked hard to fulfill their dreams and I truly understand your opinions but we also have to respect their hard work too.


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