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omi guys... So. I just realised... Michel *pronounced Michl*, is also the spelling of Michel *pronounced Mikel* oops. And Michel is Reds real name I'm pretty sure. *facepalms* I'm dumb. But ya just so you guys know. Its pronounced Michl not Mikel. Again I'm really sorry. Ok... Lets get on with the story.

Ross's pov
Max puts in his ear buds and suddenly he isn't the guy I've come to know as a friend he's, terrifying. His eyes were hollow and his body's relaxed but on guard. Michel is the first to swing. He walks up to max and goes to hit him in the face but max ducks and sweep kicks him. He swiftly rebounds, his nose bleeding and trys tackling him. Max dodges before he can even come close and snickers. He recovers again and looks like he could kill. He tries to punch him but it's all in vain. Only one comes close to him, it barley grazes his shoulder. This only angers Michel more, if that's even possible at this point. He tries for a low blow, and starts to talk. " You Ain't shit Mad Max. Ya know, I just think you're a scared little boy. Ya, I said it! A. Scared. Little. Boy. Who just tries to hide behind a mask of toughness ta keep people away because you to prideful to be seen as weak. And that boy over there-" he points in my direction. " Probably knows it to. I've seen you guys hang in out a lot recently. He probably knows all about you. ISN'T THAT RIGHT NEARD!?" he walls up to me and grabs me by the collar, hoisting my face to meet his. He looks back over at Max with a devilish, evil smirk. Yet, Max keeps his cool. But I can tell from his eyes, he's fumeing, but also confused. Michel looks at him in disgust. This probably isn't going according to his plan. He then spits "Go on, do it. You know you want to." He putzes over to us, hands behind his back. He then slowly and calmly states, as if rehearsed " If your going to fight physically with someone. Then its just between you and that person. You don't bring anyone else into it. That's a cowards move." he then grabs Michels hand and twists it. I hear a faint snap and he cries out, dropping me. I scurry into the back into the crowd just in time. I watch the principle walk out of a classroom and see the crowd of people. Oh no. She's coming this way. I swiftly run into the middle of the crowd where Max and Michel are fighting and grab his arm. "WE HAVE TO GO!! THE PRINCEIPLE IS COMEING!!!" I sign spastically. He nods and we suddenly are barreling threw the crowd. Going the opposite way of the where the principle is comeing from. We finally make it through and sprint to class, actually only arriving 15 seconds late. So the teacher didn't punish us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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