Chapter 1

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I left. I booked a plane to California, and found a roomate under three days.

Even though it took multiple nights trying to find a roomate from across the god damn country it still worked. out.

I plop down on my mattress looking around the memory filled room. I look at the roof which has small lines were I would throw my knife up.

Turning my head I looked other and see the chipped places and stained areas. Where I either threw or been thrown at. I sit up and look at my carpet. It was rough against the bare foot, and has stains of dried blood and spilled drinks. I look at my bag. My all black duffel bag. The bag that held everything.

All my clothes, which was a couple band shirts, jeans, sweats, and leggings. My extra bag which was black with dark red designs.

Taking a long sigh I look down at my phone checking if my parents at all texted or called saying good bye. Even though they haven't talked to me with a small bit of kindness sense my brother.

I then grab my two bags and leave. Taking in every details, and scar filled memories. I walk past my brother's door. The door in which hasn't been opened in years.

"I need to leave, before I am late for a good seat in the plane" my low raspy voice whispers in the dead silence house.

Damn I did a number on my throat yesterday, I thought as I called a taxi and went to the airport.

( Never gone in a plane or near one because I live in the country and go legit no where )

I walk in line grabbing my headphones out and plugging my music in. Turning the volume up as far as I can manage to get it. Despicable by Grandson plays. I shove my phone back in my hoodie pocket making sure my hood covers my face.

As I finally watch the person infront of me leave I go and get my ticket ( I think thats how it goes) And wait inside the plane. My luck I got a window seat. My other luck, sarcasm, I'm sitting behind a toddler and baby. With two annoying loud bitches infront talking about make up and stupid things. And as I thought I would be lucky some old uncle with obvious B.O. comes and plops right dead ass next to me.

The hell there's
legit a seat right next to you that's empty you don't need to sit right the fuck next to me.

Yay this'll be a fun 8 hour flight. Like hell.

I'm only 5 hours in, my phone died so no music. Which is the begining of it. The toddler keeps picking his nose and eating them, the baby is screaming, the mother is flirting with some dude not paying attention to her kids, the old uncle has ordered some nasty ass food and is stinking up the bus, and last but not least, the bitches have been getting louder and more annoying to the point I'm going to cut the bitche's throat open.

As I try to so call keep the small amount of sanity I have together. I just look out the window.

Clouds and glimpses of cities and homes litter the ground like small ants. As I look down the loud crying, screaming, and voices go into a blur and I fall asleep again.

"Ma'am, um, Ma'am you are at your destination." A high pitch voice comes from beside me and before she can even grab my shoulder to shake me I grab her hand crushing it until I could see her squirm in pain. When I'm satisfied with my small release of anger I let go grab my bag and get off. Seeing only about five people still on the plane.

As I step out a wiff of warm fresh air is smelt. (Never been to California I believe it's hot)

Getting fully off I then realised how fucked I am. I just booked a ticket to a place I have no clue of. I know no one.
I look around seeing family and friends hugging and talking.

Well damn. I'm lonely. In a unknown state. With nothing but a address.

Fuck my life. I walk around trying to find a front desk or something to help me find my way.

I move around taking not even one mother fucking step and run into this ginnnooorrrmmmous guy. I hit his chest, but I didn't stumble. I just stepped back telling him to watch it.

Where the god damn fucking hell is the front desk. I've been walking around since 3 in the afternoon. I just want to go to bed and sleep. I mean seriously I've been walking for 2 hours.

The drop off getting quieter as the passengers found there people and left. I sigh finding a seat and hear small chat beside me. I look other and shit my luck.

THE GOD DAMN FRONT DESK. The desk I've been looking for. Was right beside me.

I see the cake faced woman talking to some dude. Me being you know the rude ass bitch. Walked over pushed the guy over gave the woman a nice little innocent smile.

"Hi, is this were I can find a map or something that'll help me?" My voice still raspy and scratchy.

Damn I wish I had a drink or something.

The lady huffs and starts giving me directions to the nearest map. I sigh lifting my bag up and walking towards the direction she told me.

Which should be simply. I mean really. No. Here's the thing, I am bad at directions, and instructions. There just something I don't do.

So when I took a left turn. I got lost.

Why the help does this happen. It was simple directions. Why brain . Whyyyyy.

Hah bitch.

Fuck off.

Skip to a couple of hours. Why? Because I am lazy.
I've give up. No phone, no map. Nothing. Just me and my stupid bag.

"Umm, miss can I help you?" A older male voice calls.

I look up to look at my savior. A janitor. He has a dark blue outfit. With a hat covering his slowly greying hair, and a beard.

"Yes, please, thank you, could you take me to the closest map, and also tell me the time, sir." I tell popping up from my seat on the floor.

He gives a chuckle, "yes young lady I can, and thank you for being so polite. No one has talked to me like that in years."

"Oh well your welcome, I mean I was just using manners."

Damn people these days. I mean seriously. If your to stuck up to say please and thank you. Then you need to be taught how to.

We have small chat. Him telling me about how over the 5 years he's worked here I'm the nicest person he's meet. Also how his son which was about my age, going into collage, and finally granted his mothers wish in finding a roomate.

And I told him about how my flight was and how I am trying to find my new roomate.

We also exchanged names and numbers which, was me giving him mine, and him writing it down.

"Here we are Alex, now if you need anything like a home, money, or food. I will try my hardest. Just call or text."

"Okay thank you a lot sir. "

"Oh yeah Alex not being nosey but which collage are you going to I can take you there?"

"I am going to West Field Collage."
( Got no clue if it's a collage just thought of it a d a good name.)

"Oh wow, what's the odds. My son goes there do you want me to take you there?"

"Umm sure thank you, Paul."

We take a different route going to a parking lot. As we walk closer to a silver SUV.

"Umm. You can just sit in the back. It's a little dirty but sitable.

I nod getting in and him starting to drive off to my so called collage.

My Roomate (rewrote)Where stories live. Discover now