Chapter 3

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Dear mournings, 

Fuck you.

Who ever made mournings is a fucking bitch. I mean seriously why would anyone ever won't to wake up and get out of the bed they have made into a burrow. 

I groan one more time before rolling off my bed and so called hugging my floor involuntarily. I then hear the door open and a half naked Ashton comes in with all his glory and yeah, yummy stuff. 

" What the hell are you doing on the floor Alex?" His voice a little raspier.

" Oh I don't know my floor wanted such a big hug that I fell on it." I give him a blank expression and sit up. 

" Well I am glad your up, I am leaving and don't want my house destroyed. "  He says leaning against the door frame. His muscles flexing a little. 

" Okay well I probally will be gone before you come back, and don't wait for me to come home.

" So fiesty." He mumbles as he walks out closeing the door. I groan getting up and grabbing my shower shit and walking other to the bathroom. As I walk out I smell something good.  Bacon and toast. I walk into the bathroom turning the water onto warm, and getting down dressed. 

As I slid my shirt off I look in the mirror and see someone else. A broken scared girl. Tattoos that hid the big scars. The scars that littered her fists, shoulders, legs, and stomach. Some gun shot wounds. Others from knife stabs or cuts. From people who tried killing her.  From gangs who came for her becuase of her parents debt and her skills. The girl who was always running but tried to have a normal life style. Going  to collage to escape her parents. 

I look away stepping into the shower, the warm water realaxing her stiff muscles. I have to get back into the gym. 

I step out of the shower drying myself. Putting on some tight black torn jeans, a t-shirt that says fuck you with a middle finger under a x-ray. I brush my black hair.  Walking out of the bathroom. Welp I wished.

I run face to chest into Ashton. Although I didn't stumble he sure did. " Wow there Al, whatch were your going." 

I grunt walking by him. He still had no shirt on. Like he doesn't even realise he has a girl in his home. Oh well.

I walk into my room putting on some converse and a red plad shirt and grabbing my bag packing my phone, knife, gun. While putting a knife in my pocket, and other things. 

I walk out texting Jayden to meet up at the coffee shop near my collage. Soon after he agread to show up. 

"Where the fuck are you, you piece of shit fucking cow." I tell Jayden calmly which I know scares him because sometimes I'll be mad to the point I am calm.

"Well you see this is a big campus and I got kinda distracted." He speaks into the phone.

"I swear okay go to," I look at the sign, " Roset's cafe, and no distractions."

"Fine I'll be there soon." He says mumbling under his breath profanities.

"Oh and I'd better watch your mouth."

He sighs hanging up. As I look up some waiter comes other.

"How may I take your order miss?" He says his voice kinda higher pitch but still guyly. (Is that even a fucking word???) He was young maybe in his early 20 or 19. He has sand brown hair and big brown eyes.  Kinda reminded me of a puppy. He had light brown freckles littering his cheecks.

"Umm I would like a black coffee with three sugar packets." I smile up at him. He nods giving me a smile with two little dimples.

AWW I won't to take him home and raise him as my child.

"Okay miss, your order will be out soon." He says retreating back to give my order.

Yeah I know black coffee ewwww. But in the mourning I need a bitter drink to help with my bitter attitude. Aka to wake me up.

I hear the bell to the door ring. Looking up I see Jayden him and his unkempt hair, messed up shirt and ripped and stained blue jeans.

He sat down, and huffed a sigh. He stank of slut.

"So instead of your best friend you went and fucked some slutty collage student with probably STD's." I sigh.

"Kinda." He sheepishly says rubbing the back of his head.

"Your coffee miss." The waiter have me my drink with a cookie.
"It looked like you were having a stressful mourning and needed a cookie." He explains smiling and walking away.

See we need more people like that child. I nod to him and sip my coffee.

"Well while you were fuckin' I stressed other you." I sigh again. Some day I will hyperventilate by signing.

"Okay well I said sorry and your next fight is this week on Friday at this road," He hands me a piece of paper." And it should be quick money."

I nod tucking the paper in my pockets. "Well that's it good bye time to deal with some assholes. Drive around,  get clothes cause I was rushed out, and go home." I get up paying the bill and tipping the waiter.

I glimpse and give Jayden a friendly smile before walking out.

Okay so now I need to go get my surroundings before Friday. God it's only Tuesday.

I get in my car, and drive around.

Time skip till 3:00 am.

I quietly sneack in with a few bags and just before I get in my room all the lights turn on and a half again naked Ashton comes into view.

"So were've you been all day, cupcake?" He says walking towards me.

"I told you not to ask questions and not to wait for me.  Also here,"  I throw him a shirt." Start wearing one, please. "

He smirks pulling it over his head and it fitting good. See I have a good eye.

"Why, does it bother you have a god like body around you?" His smirk grows some how.

"Nah man I've seen better." I say flipping him off and walking in my room. I hear him groan loudly and walk away. Earning me a content smirk.

I unpack my bags and go to bed changing into sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt.

There's chapter 3 for yall.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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