Kyojuro Rengoku

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Extreme Spoilers for non manga readers

For those who want to cry their eyes out
^ this is what I played on loop while crying when writing this


"Welcome home ~ " Hearing the front door open, and hearing the familiar footsteps, you called out a greeting. Drying your hands on a washcloth, you headed out of the kitchen to greet Kyojuro.

The unfamiliar silence made you uneasy, but arriving at the entrance way and seeing Kyojuro dutifully hanging up his haori set your heart at ease.

"How did it go -?" Trying to break the heavy atmosphere and strike up a conversation, you asked.

It was uncharacteristic of him, when he enveloped you into his arms, resting his head on your shoulders as he held you by your waist. He didn't pepper you with butterfly kisses, nor did he tease you till both of you were surrounded in each other's laughter.

Unnatural was the somberness surrounding Kyojuro, so was the way his breathing came out uneven. Unsure on what to do, you hesitantly raised your arms, resting your hands on his head and ran your fingers down his hair.

It was worrying, how Kyojuro was not his usual self. However, sharing this moment of serenity was providing a different feeling of peace, a sense of nostalgia, except you couldn't remember what you were nostalgic for.

"..thank you, (Y/N)-san." Kyojuro pulled away from the hug, as he faced you, his voice slightly muted, but containing weight in every word.

".. Mother would have been pleased with how mature Senjuro was today! Father is still disheartened, but that is to be expected! I am sure he will come to accept it!" Kyojuro lead you back into the house, his tone unnaturally cheerful.

You couldn't help but notice the bandage on his forehead and the dirt stains on his clothing.

Suddenly planting your feet into the ground, Kyojuro paused , turning back to check on you. "(Y/N)-san? Are you feeling okay?"

"Kyojuro." You gave him an endearing smile, resting one hand on his cheek. "You've worked hard. Thank you for all your effort." This time, you brought him into your embrace, hugging him tightly as you looked up at him.

When the tears started dripping on you, as Kyojuro's breath became shaky, and his arms which held onto you started trembling, he smiled back.

"Thank you for being alive."


Rengoku will always be remembered. Author introduced him as a meh boi but then in 10 chapters he became best boi. And he died.

Why author.
(I have read the manga 3 times and everytime I cry at his death)

I did say Giyuu after Nezuko but Rengoku happened

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