Kamado Tanjiro

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Request of much wholesomeness.

Stay back if you want to hear me rant about Wattpad's new update.


"Welcome back (Y/N), good work today." Entering the dining room of the Wisteria marked house, Tanjiro greeted you.

"Ah, yeah, thanks. Good work too." You replied, slightly out of it. Honestly today's mission had drained more out of you than you would like to admit, and you wanted to quickly get dinner over with and go to sleep. Though more than that, you wanted to see Tanjiro.

This was the first time in seven days where you were in each other's presence for more than five minutes, and you could thank your amazingly uncoinciding schedule for that.

Sleep deprived and Tanjiro deprived, you could feel your sanity and common sense slipping away while you sat at opposite sides of the table, eating in awkward silence.

Both of you were equally happy to just savour the moment, but wanting perhaps a little more, yet too shy to initiate anything. Though today, Tanjiro had something to say.

Slightly stuttering, Tanjiro broke the silence, "..(Y/N), are you- you know, -uh, free after this.. ?"

Hell yeah!  you screamed (internally). But dammit, of all days it had to be the one where you could fall asleep standing. Still, there was no way, not even if Oyakata-sama appeared right then, were you going to say no.

"..yea," you tried to contain your excitement, but somehow Tanjiro misunderstood and was slightly bummed that you didn't seem to be excited as his was. Not to worry, he would make you super glad you agreed, Tanjiro assured himself.

After washing the dishes, you followed Tanjiro to the backyard. "Where are we going?" you asked, really curious.

"It's a surprise! It's around 10 minutes away, if you get tired I can carry you!" Tanjiro replied enthusiastically, holding his arm out to you.

"Nonhave! It's, it's.. fine! I can totally walk by myself," you instantly replied in a panick, before realising you had spoke to soon when you have absolutely no reason to refuse.

"Right, right-! That would be too bad, -ah I don't mean carrying you is bad.. I just guess you don't want me too, ahaha-.." Tanjiro awkwardly laughed.

"Aah wait wait, I didn't mean it like that, the offer is really nice, but its fine.. right?" Muttering the last word to yourself, you assured Tanjiro. trying to clear the misunderstanding. You wanted to slam your head into a wall. Did you just reject Tanjiro a second time?

"Oh.. ah, I'm sorry for misunderstanding." Tanjiro replied after a little pause.

"Nono, don't apologise, I'mThe one who's sorry," you stopped Tanjiro mid bow, "..Let's just get going?"

"Yeah, okay, (Y/N), follow me close!" Tanjiro jumped over the fence and started running.

That should have been a clue. Sure it was 10 minutes away, but it was 10 minutes of running up a mountain at an absolute deadly angle, while dodging various flora. This was worse than training for total concentration breathing. You were super tempted to stop Tanjiro, and get him to carry you for the rest of the way.

But were you a quitter?


But did you have an unhealthy amount of pride?


So you ignored your burning legs and continued after Tanjiro.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Tanjiro ran over to you when you finally collapsed.

"I.. am perfectly fine.." you muttered out. "Just leave me to grow with the grass.. I'm one with the earth now.."

"Should we go back? We can postpone this for another time." Tanjiro asked again. Actually, what he planned to show you couldn't be postponed, but after all, your health was his number one priority.

"No way!" You instantly yelled, suddenly sitting up and crashing into his forehead. Falling back down with a yelp, you continued, "We came all this way, you better show me something good, and if we go back now.. we'll spend less time together.. so.." your voice slightly trailed of at the end when you realised what you were saying.

"Anyway! Let's go, yeah?" If you didn't say anything your face would probably burn off from the embarrassment. (not like Tanjiro's face was any less red)

Nodding furiously, Tanjiro helped you up, leading you to the clearing at the top of the mountain, which opened to an exquisite 180 view of the starry night sky.

"..Woah," you gasped in awe, looking at the pitch black night sky decorated with splattered dots of stars. Walking closer to the edge, you could see the rest stop and the surrounding village, all of which looked like yellow flames in the dark. "Awesome.." you couldn't help but breath out, turning around to get Tanjiro see the ethereal view. (Forgetting that he was the one who lead you there)

"Do you like it?" Tanjiro walked up to you. "I found it while looking for a training spot, and you like the stars, so.. ah, it's starting, look up!"

"Up?" You titled your head, eyes widening at the first of the shooting stars fell through the sky.

"So cool- ! Tanjiro look! So many shooting stars! I'm going to make a wish!" You ran around in circles, trying to view the countless lines of light from every angle, before settling and sitting down next to Tanjiro.

Tanjiro moved his arm so that it supported your back as you leaned on his shoulder. "I'm glad you like it." He smiled, turning to look at you.

"..(Y/N), are you asleep?" Softly chuckling, Tanjiro lifted his hand, smoothly sweeping your bangs away from your half lidded eyes. "Let's head back."

"..don't wanna.." you muttered, "stay here.. longer, with you.." Half asleep and slightly delirious you pouted, curling deeper under Tanjiro's arms.

Reddening slightly, Tanjiro let out a fond sigh. Even though he shouldn't he was still going to indulge in you. Shifting your head so that it rested on his lap, Tanjiro removed his haori, draping it over your body, before resting his hand on your head.

"Sweet dreams, (Y/N)."


I changed the style slightly. Hope it's fluff enough

The train arc movie is gonna be epic can't wait. Rengoku (>д<)

Wattpad rant:

First . Half of this oneshot I had to rewrite because lovely wattpad didn't save it properly. But this isnt a recent problem only so not that important .

Next is the newest update. The absolutely amazing wattpad decided that 3 slots for offline reading is the best idea and if I want more I need to pay.

When before I can have unlimited for free.

I feel like wattpad is more money focused now. Paid books, all the advertisements. I dont mind supporting authors I love, but what amount of the money even goes to them??

If they are going to introduce new features that require money that are worth it, I wouldn't be as mad. But they take an existing feature away, and make it so that I have to pay to get it back? I am so pissed.

Wattpad was better before.


I want old wattpad back.

Hope you like the one shot (lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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